I have been powering my TIU with a Z-500 brick. I have a second TIU I want to power the same way. My question is I am having trouble finding another Z-500 brick but I have a chance to get a Z-750 brick. Will that brick work the same as the Z-500 or will it send more power to the TIU. Any help appreciated...............Paul
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Certainly seems like over-kill to use a Z750, if they are still available. I used two Z500s to power both my TIUs.
Will that brick work the same as the Z-500 or will it send more power to the TIU.
It will work fine.
Thanks Barry and hot water. I was sort of in a dilemma. I would of preferred a Z-500 but I cannot seem to locate one. I have a chance to get a Z-750. A bit more money but not knowing when more of Z-500's will be available again I may have to go that way....Paul
I use old laptop power supplies to power my TIUs. Any AC or DC supply from around 12V to 20 volts and an amp and a half should work fine. No reason to do anything special, I have a box of old power bricks.
Thanks one and all. I just located a Z-500 brick and ordered it................Paul
I suspect that one 500 brick would easily power 2 TIUs.
Maybe, but the center pin of the aux power connects to channel #1 ground. You need to consider that in your thinking.
Assuming one correctly wired 2 plugs to a brick, that is, the centers of both plugs connected together and the outsides connected together, I don't see a problem. To me, those bricks seem like overkill.