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I was laying down some new Fastrack today, and during a test run my locomotive went around about twice, then stopped dead. Pull it back a few inches, and it would take off, then stop dead in the same spot as before.


In troubleshooting, I discovered that the track had no power half way around the loop!


Pulling the sections apart where the power stopped I noticed that the center pins were bent outward and away from each other, so they would not make good contact when the track was snapped together. I bent these pins toward each other so they visibly rubbed as the sections were clicked together. No more problems.


Is this common?

Original Post

It is very common for fastrack to lose connection to the adjoining track. This is particularly problematic on carpet central railroads.


Many users vehemently deny any problems, but I have experienced it on a nnumber of different carpet central layouts.


Hope your solution keeps working. Thanks for the tip/

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