Does anyone make extra numbers for the Fastrack switches? I will end up having around 10 switches on my layout when it is all done, and Lionel only provides numbers 1 through 6 and a L inside the box. Does any make higher numbers?
Does anyone make extra numbers for the Fastrack switches? I will end up having around 10 switches on my layout when it is all done, and Lionel only provides numbers 1 through 6 and a L inside the box. Does any make higher numbers?
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I can not find where I got this from.
FasTrack Switch Controller Number Labels -- Lessons Learned
Bob Anderson
"I have 11 FasTrack switch controllers, and wanted to number them. Several people have distributed PDF files with new number labels. I found them to be a bit fuzzy, so I made ones of my own in Powerpoint, using 44-point Stencil font on a Macintosh for single digits, and 32-point font for double digits.
I tried laser-printing them on clear acetate sheets, but too much light showed through the black background surrounding the clear digits. I then tried inkjet-printing them on clear decal paper, to get deeper blacks, then sliding the decal onto the clear acetate. The blacks still leaked too much light.
At my wife’s suggestion, I then mounted the clear decal paper, with its white background sheet intact, in the switch. I’m very pleased with the result. The white number shows clearly when the switch lights are off, and when they’re on, the number and its background glow nicely. A side benefit is that the decal paper with its backing is thicker than the clear acetate – more like the thickness of the original “L” label supplied with the switch."
it might have been the yahoo fastrack forum.
I will give it a shot
I got up to 9 by using the L as a 7, scratching out a 3 for an 8, and an upside down 6 for 9. I have nine switches so I'm all set for now. Ten might be a problem!
I only have 5 so I am OK for now.
I printed the numbers on clear acetate and increased the contrast until the are indistinguishable from the originals. The source I used for the numbers was a cover sheet from a LCCA issue a couple years back.
Chuck, could you post the source sheet for your numbers here?
Here they are. They look a little rough edged, but on the controller they look just like what the original ones are on the acetate. I recall adjusting the size maybe, and upping the contrast. I cut them out in strips and then squares and trimmed to fit.
Great, thanks! I was looking at 14 Fastrack switches and thinking if I use the controllers how I was going to create the numbers. I'm still thinking on building a panel and using small toggle switches, haven't decided yet...
Thanks! This will allow more than the number of switches I have panned for!
I just recalled that I used an accurate paper cutter to cut out strips exactly along the flat upper and lower edge of the numbers which made it lots easier to trim the sides rounded.
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