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From the website:

Virginia Train Collectors Inc. Train Show
Nansemond Suffolk Academy
3373 Pruden Blvd. (Rt. 460)
Suffolk, VA 23434
Adults $5.00. Children 12 and under (with adult) admitted free.
Contact: Rxxxxx Yxxxxx (804) XXX-XXXX or email (see link to VTC website for details) 

I recently moved to the Tidewater area so this will be my first. 

What can I expect?

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Carl, it’s not a big show by any means, but it is a good show....this is put on by the VTC, to which I’m a member........great folks, and pretty good deals. I always come home with a goody or two. VTC is a good club, take a look at their website and consider joining especially since you’re in the Tidewater area now. You do not have to be a club member to attend. It is open to the public............Pat

I must say, I was impressed with how hospitable the people were. I will go back and I may join the group. There was a lady there selling some of her late husband’s collection, of anyone has a way to contact her I would appreciate the information. I forgot to get her number and she has some unique rolling stock that I would like to talk to her about.

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