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Please forgive me if I use this forum incorrectly.  I have not been able to upload pictures using Firefox.

I am now using Internet Explorer to see if Firefox is my problem.


The pictures I am using for this test are just pictures I have in my files and are not for any other purpose other than this test.


Thanks for your patience.


Corvettte (Paul)


Well, low and behold - it works.  So Firefox is my problem.  I just updated Firefox to their version 24.  After I finish here, I will go back to Firefox and try to upload pictures again to see if the version was the reason for failure.


When I went to click on the Post Now button, it asked me to put in a forum.  I thought I was in the Test forum, but that forum no longer showed up, so I choose the "Tech Support" forum.  Sorry for any problems with doing this.

#15 - 4 % Ramp

#16 - Another Picture Of The 4% Ramp

#17 - Santa Fe 2-10-10-2 Articulated Steam Engine

#18 - Santa Fe AC6000 Warbonnet Diesel Engine

#19 - Santa Fe Warbonnet Pulling 13 Car Consist

#20 - Empire State Express - New York Central

#21 - New York Central Pulling 12 Car Consist


Images (7)
  • #15 - 4 % Ramp
  • #16 - Another Picture Of The 4% Ramp
  • #17 - Santa Fe 2-10-10-2 Articulated Steam Engine
  • #18 - Santa Fe AC6000 Warbonnet Diesel Engine
  • #19 - Santa Fe Warbonnet Pulling 13 Car Consist
  • #20 - Empire State Express - New York Central
  • #21 - New York Central Pulling 12 Car Consist
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

After updating Firefox, and it not working, I'm just going to use Internet Explorer any time I want to upload a picture. 


I use Firefox all the time and never had any problem before.  Who knows.


It's really not a big deal.  From listening to you fellows, I feel sure, there's something wrong with my computer.


One day when I reformat it, all will probably be ok again.


Thanks for the input.


Corvettte (Paul)

i have a feeling you have a software conflict in your computer.  i have two different photo-editing programs i use and if one is open, the other will open, but will crash when i go to close it.  can't explain why, and don't really care; just a quirk i've learned to live with.


when people ask, i usually recommend Firefox, but in your case, there is something going on and if IE works for you, then i guess you can live with it.  but as others have said, there is nothing inherently wrong with Firefox used for this forum.


good luck...gary

Originally Posted by PC9850:

For some reason Firefox suddenly started crashing on my family's computers and wouldn't even let itself be uninstalled without a fight due to some glitch. This was right around the time Google Chrome was taking over and IMO it's the superior browser by far.

If you don't mind Google tracking your every move on the internet, then go for it...use Chrome.


I'm not ready to give up my privacy just to line the pockets of a pencil-necked geek who  thinks his customers are...well...I can't repeat what he said here.

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