My permanent layout is TMCC using PW transformers and PM-1 powermasters. Last year I added a couple DCS engines but went with Remote Commander so I didn't have to change the wiring or have redundant powermasters.
I picked up a TIU and DCS remote and will use it seasonally for Christmas. Finally getting around to setting it up, a very simple, carpet central layout with 3 concentric loops using 60", 48" and 36" curve. Biggest is 5' x 15'.
Using a PW ZW. Anything wrong with these wiring plans:
1. Connect fixed output 1 to the 60" outer loop. Plan to run 2-3 pairs of wires from the output terminals to the tracks to balance out the power, more if necessary. Same plan for fixed output 2 but to the middle 48" loop and variable output 1 to the 36" inner loop.
2. Connect the red fixed input 1 terminal, red fixed input 2, and red variable input 1 to the 3 A terminals on the ZW. Matching black terminals to the U on the ZW.
3. Insert a fuse between the TIU and the track on each of the "hot" wires.
4. Put TVS across the three A-U terminals used on the ZW.
Last step is to power the TIU. I have a couple of options:
1. Hope is to use the 18V "wall wart" that came with my daughter's Thomas Lionchief engine as auxiliary power Can I?
2. Use the 4th throttle on the ZW. Not sure how to do this.
3. Use a 12V power source for my extra TMCC Command Base. This is my last choice because I'd like to have the option of connecting the extra Command Base to the TIU to run my TMCC engines.
Any concerns, cautions, or words of wisdom for a first-timer with DCS (and, yes, I do have Barry's book).