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I may be hazy on a detail but at my Hobby Shop today I was informed testors has stopped production on FloQuill and Poly Scale. What's in the stores is all there is.


The email was dated today. Can't remember it word for word but the Hobby Shop Counter Monkey said generally it means no more railroad colors. Testors will continue to produce their standard line of crap and Model Master crap however Floquill and Poly scale have stopped production entirely. Whatever is in the pipeline is all there will be.


Is this old news?

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If you use an airbrush , which is what I use , just get the pints of ACE brand oil based Paint , some paint thinner , and lacquer thinner to clean the enamel . you can mix just about any shade and get some small glass bottles from the airbrush company . When done just dump the small amount of leftover and the lacquer thinner will clean up everything. Most pro airbrush guys who are really good only use oil base , much easier to clean up than acrylic.acrylic is a pain to clean , but just spray some straight lacquer thinner though everything and you are good to go. I shoot outside on a sunny day and have had great success, those small bottles are way over priced. The small Humbrols are realgood too. You can even get away with brushing it on .

If true, this is a disaster for the hobby. True, we still have Badger and Scalecoat, but neither has  the extensive product line or the distribution channels of Floquil/Polyscale. One of the few things my LHS has that is useful for an 0 gauger is a very good assortment of paint - I'll be stocking up. But paint doesn't last forever, even in factory sealed jars. 

Testors is in Rockford, Illinois.  The company is now part of RMT, a major coatings company.  Reading the press release it looks like they (RMT) are the source of the re-org and Testors is pulling back into it's own core product line and trimming stuff they picked up like Pactra, Floquil and PolyScale.  


Testors just started shipping paint with the new labeling which is weird for a company to go to the expense of designing new "branding" if you are going to shut down production.  They have a much wider distribution channel for their core brand of paints (Testors/Model Masters).  These can be found in craft stores, discount department stores, big box stores while the other lines are strictly hobby shop/mail order.


I hope they can/will spin off the other product lines because those were the paints I like/use.  I've had to adapt before and I guess I will again.

Back in the day when I built plastic model kits and won a few local hobby store contests, I used Humbrols and they were superior to all the paints available.  I haven't used them in awhile, but give that brand a try.  They used to come in mini paint cans rather than jars.  Hopefully they didn't mess with the formula from years past.

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