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Mike said at York yesterday and the delivery date for FlyerChief Polar Express is about 8 months from now. Seems a major hurdle  causing delays and headaches for Lionel was the Chinese factory shortcomings in correctly gauging the P.E. cars wheels. That's finally been rectified and now the cars and tenders are finished and just waiting for the locomotive. Mike also confirmed the announcements are ALL NEW for that set or not a rehash of those from the LionChief 10th anniversary set offering. Great news for those long awaited this set and plan on having it around their 2015 holiday tree.

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Originally Posted by banjoflyer:
Originally Posted by NotInWI:

Don't tell me that set is going to be after Christmas? Really? 



Well...eight months from yesterday is December 24, 2015 so technically that's still before Christmas.


Unless the "delivery date" is for the distribution centers and not the customer.  You'd think they'd want to have them in stores by December 1st at the latest for maximum effect.


And why is it only Lionel seems to have trouble getting wheelsets in gauge?



Last edited by Rusty Traque
Originally Posted by NotInWI:
About eight months is worst case scenario. As said, cars and tender ARE finished and ready to ship but waiting for locos. Mike said customers WILL have them for holiday, byEARLY December at the latest in our homes! 

Don't tell me that set is going to be after Christmas? Really? 




Last edited by ogaugeguy
Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Originally Posted by banjoflyer:
Originally Posted by NotInWI:

Don't tell me that set is going to be after Christmas? Really? 



Well...eight months from yesterday is December 24, 2015 so technically that's still before Christmas.


Unless the "delivery date" is for the distribution centers and not the customer.  You'd think they'd want to have them in stores by December 1st at the latest for maximum effect.


And why is it only Lionel seems to have trouble getting wheelsets in gauge?



OK, let me put my confused hat on here, when they quote that there are issues with the cars wheelsets having 'gauge' problems, are we talking about the passenger cars? 


If so, are the passenger cars not the same as the Lionel heavyweights as released some years ago, which for me operate OK, or am I missing something here?

Originally Posted by Ukaflyer:
Yes, Ukaflyer, Mike specifically spoke of the passenger cars and tender wheels being out of gauge. Didn't think to follow up with him whether or not are the same heavyweights from a few years back so can't comment on that. Maybe it's the difference in radius of O versus S track? He did say those at the Chinese factory just didn't seem to get the nuances of gauge and the wheels didn't pass muster when traversing the track so all the wheels/wheelsets had to be redone after they were ALL delivered and ready for the P.E. sets. 

OK, let me put my confused hat on here, when they quote that there are issues with the cars wheelsets having 'gauge' problems, are we talking about the passenger cars? 


If so, are the passenger cars not the same as the Lionel heavyweights as released some years ago, which for me operate OK, or am I missing something here?


Last edited by ogaugeguy
Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
Originally Posted by Ukaflyer:
Yes, Ukaflyer, Mike specifically spoke of the passenger cars and tender wheels being out of gauge. Didn't think to follow up with him whether or not are the same heavyweights from a few years back so can't comment on that. Maybe it's the difference in radius of O versus S track? He did say those at the Chinese factory just didn't seem to get the nuances of gauge and the wheels didn't pass muster when traversing the track so all the wheels/wheelsets had to be redone after they were ALL delivered and ready for the P.E. sets. 


Nuances?  Really?


Gauging wheelsets isn't rocket science.


And the Flyer minimum curve of S-20 is just shy of the equivalent of O-42 O gauge track, of which the past runs of the passenger cars run just fine on, including through SHS's S-Trax turnouts.



Last edited by Rusty Traque

This is odd.  I was told by Matt Ashba at York that I should have a production PE to review for the S Gaugian no later than August and they would be delivered much sooner that Mike is telling you.  They let me run the PE at York and they told me I was the first non Lionel employee to do so.  I will try to attach the photo of me running it here.



Images (1)
  • photo: PE at YORK

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