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Its been a little slow over here lately so a random thought...

I had made the suggestion to Ryan K at Lionel that it would be nice to have a Polar Express engine to pull the PE freight cars that are bing produced.  When I saw the polar express Bi-polar in ‘19 V1, it hit me, what a cool flyerchief introduction for the EP5. 


I think it is sharp looking.  



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  • 915981D2-8118-41FA-990F-589AD725FBE3
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Lionel is not gunna spend the money to tool a Bi-Polar in S Gauge. No one is clamoring for it and they already have a S gauge electric in the portfolio. 

Lionel has yet to run the EP5 in flyerchief and it’s a prime choice given the space in the shell.  

In addition to the PE scheme they can do the New Haven and all the other fantasy schemes the flyonel EP5 has worn before.  

And besides Bill, I balance you you well, I would buy a EP5 in PE 😉. 


Two variations on the New Haven EP5 paint scheme:

The yellow McGinnis scheme did exist briefly as part of a comparison as to which looked better.  The 372 unit was the only unit painted this way and was repainted red before leaving the GE plant:

GE EP5 NH 372 Yellow

EP5 variation 001 crop

Th traditional green and gold version was how the EP5's would have been painted if McGinnis hadn't been elected president of the New Haven.



Images (2)
  • EP5 variation 001 crop
  • GE EP5 NH 372 Yellow
Last edited by Rusty Traque

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