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I notice that there are still a lot of posters that still post incorrectly in the 3-Rail Scale Model Trains forum.  In looking at the choices, I think there may be a reason for a newbie to select that forum, and it would be simple to change.

I fail to see why the word Toy was inserted in the titles of these two forums.  Let's be real, technically they're all "toys", even though some are really expensive and very realistic scale models.

Isn't 3-Rail Traditional Trains descriptive enough?  Certainly 3-Rail Tinplate Trains is pretty descriptive without the word Toy inserted.  I think the person looking at the forum choices sees the word Toy and decides that's for stuff like Thomas The Tank Engine or the like.

Just a thought...


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Last edited by gunrunnerjohn
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@Hot Water posted:

Yes but, there is a lengthy description at the top of the 3RS Forum, which apparently very few people read prior to posting all sorts of non-3RS subjects.

Maybe not, but when someone is on the main forum page considering posting a new topic, they're more likely to read the one line descriptions than the lengthy tome after they've selected the forum to post their question.  How on earth can it be a problem to put it in the index?

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn
@Hot Water posted:

Yes but, there is a lengthy description at the top of the 3RS Forum, which apparently very few people read prior to posting all sorts of non-3RS subjects.

I think people read it.  Which is probably why there is so little traffic there.

Thank You Rich for changing the name of the main 3 Rail Forum so it's more friendly to Hi-Railers.

Last edited by MichRR714

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