Pine Creek if you need a place to give a set to give it to toys for tots like I did with a set last year
I have cabooses coming out my tail got that for you no problem or should I get Engineer Bob's address and send it to him no sense shipping it twice
I have a listing of HO and O gauge in the for sale. It has an untested 1053, some 022's, and cars. If there is anything you could use, just let me know.
Please understand I do not need a place to donate the Christmas Train I was trying to make sure rockstars89 had enough to make a needy family a really nice Christmas.
We always find a Veteran or active duty Military Family to make happy at Christmas time.
The US Marine Toy's for Tots is a great program however, and helps many at Christmas time.
I have cabooses coming out my tail got that for you no problem or should I get Engineer Bob's address and send it to him no sense shipping it twice
Will try to get it out in morning will look thru them for the best.
Just an update to say I have a couple of families that I'm checking in with who might be good candidates. The one house has all foster kids who have come from bad situations. I'm also check my contacts at a few agencies I work with. I'll keep everyone posted. If the situation is appropriate we will take video so everyone here on the forum can see when the train set is opened. Thanks again to everyone who is making this possible.
Ive got a box of trains in my truck that I will get sent out. 1 powered loco 1 dummy loco and 4 or 5 freight cars. No boxes for anything
Pastor Bob/Matt,Thank you so much again.Can't wait.Having a good time doing this.Nick
Ive got a ton of this kid of stuff that is no longer of any value to me but is of some valvue to somebody. Its all going to go to some sort of charity but im not past selling it either
Seriously guys, if there is anything y'all still need to do this, just see if it's here and contact me. I would send it free of charge, as it is fora good cause.
Question since we did this in a mater of a day or two and got everything where needed I'm guessing within a week ( My caboose should be arriving today Rockstar) I was wondering if maybe somebody had room & willing to say store some trains from us for this occasion would need inventory from time to time so we would know what we needed to replenish So if Engineer Bob or someone else came across a family that had a child that needed a train set we could get it out I have right now inexpensive train sets ( after doing some searching thru stuff last night ) like 3 train sets minus track and Transformers ( Now straight O-27 I have plenty ) That I could supply as a start and I'm sure there's others just from reading previous comments.
Like Matt's comment above this as a start.
A clearing house is a great idea. I don't have any room for storage myself, as I have several boxes of a friend's trains I'm selling here in my computer/music room. My wife keeps rolling her eyes, wondering when it will be gone! I even have my empty boxes stored in a neighbor's garage loft.
My attic has space (for now). But when sending out isn't going on, I can't guarantee that they wouldnt be in use.
My attic has space (for now). But when sending out isn't going on, I can't guarantee that they wouldnt be in use.
Just kidding. I would not mind helping out though.
Just wanted to give an update.Trains from members are starting to show up here.I cannot get over how nice some of these pieces are.Very generous members here.I am totally touched by this.Once I get everything I will post a listing of the members names and what was donated by them.Thank you all so much.Nick
OK Rockstar is your name Nick or John?
OK Rockstar is your name Nick or John?
I would call him thoughtful with a heart of gold!
I was thinking Late for Dinner but hey, Nick works
Guys...I just came across this thread!! WOW!!!
This is an illustration of what kind of wonderful "hearts" our members have! I used to be a teacher and have seen plenty of families that frankly have nothing...just barely able to feed their generosity will be appreciated and remembered forever by this child. I am wondering if we should put this thread up as a featured topic across the forums...what do you think???
Another update, I mentioned what was going on with the forum to my church last Sunday and the next day an old Pepsi train set showed up in my office with a note that it should be given away. It has everything except the O-27 track. I continue to be thrilled at the generosity. I hope to have our recipients picked out by the end of next week. I'll keep you posted.
I have a MTH Over/Under Tunnel that I'd like to donate. Will need piers to go with it to make it functional. Need it/want it? Shoot me a quick email and I'll get it on the way to you. I'm assuming your address is floating around on this thread.
RC3R has a box of donated tinplate track. I'll need to get approval from the group, but assuming the guys say "yes" you're welcome to that too.
We have more stuff than kids to give it to
Hey guys I hope its not to late to send you a few cars.I can part with a few boxcars.
Seaboard Thank you very much but honestly we have all we need at this point.Please keep the cause in mind for next year as we will try to do multiple families.Have a Merry Christmas."all of us"
Roo posted:It's Christmas.
We have 4 kids of our own plus 9 grandchildren they have everything.
I have three Australian kids books brand new made in Australia not China,packed ready to go do I send them to Rock Stars address?
let me know.
Neville Rossiter.
Perth. West Australia.
Neville,got the books.Thank you for your gift.Nick
Any word from the Rev on the military family situation, if none I will donate the train set to one of the families out this way.
I love your 3 stages of a man's Santa!
Pine Creek Railroad posted:Nick,
Any word from the Rev on the military family situation, if none I will donate the train set to one of the families out this way.
I love your 3 stages of a man's Santa!
hahaha..Thanks Dave.I have not heard.You could try and e mail him.Hope you have a Merry Christmas my friend.Nick
Hello everybody.Update as of 12-8-15.
I have everything we need for an amazing train set up,except for one thing.I need a small transformer.I had one member offer a PW ZW (amazing)but it is way over kill.I even went to a couple of local train shows hoping to buy one but all I can find are the ZW's and the big AF transformers.Can anyone help?Nick
I have a 1053 and a 167c
What have you received so far, and what do you need to complete whole train sets?
Bobby Ogage posted:Rockstars,
What have you received so far, and what do you need to complete whole train sets?
Bobby,I will be posting a list of what was donated,the persons name and a pic of everything soon.Still waiting on one item.Right now we just need a small transformer.
ELCLASSICO,I am not sure what those numbers mean but if it will run a single conventional loco on a small oval,we will take it.Shipping info is on this thread.Thank you so much.Nick
Rock Stars1989,
Nick the RTR Christmas Train Set has been given to an Active Duty Navy Military Family here in our Western Pa mountain area, hope to have some video to show after they open it on Christmas morning. Good luck with everything you are doing, I like your style buddy!
I'm looking forward to next year to do this for more families. There was a lot of interest after Nick first posted his request. This is truly what Christmas is about!
At our church, we have a Giving Tree, and my sixth grade CCD class takes an ornament for either a child of a particular gender and age, or a homeless person. They shop for a gift with their families, and place the gift under the tree on the alter. This is in place of exchanging gifts with their classmates at the Christmas party. The students from each class are also asked to bring a canned or boxed food item to the party for our community food pantry.
Hi Nick,
This is a wonderful thing you're doing, i don't know how i missed this thread. I didn't read all the posts above, but i would like to help out. Please let me know what else you need and i will see if i have it.
Alex M posted:Hi Nick,
This is a wonderful thing you're doing, i don't know how i missed this thread. I didn't read all the posts above, but i would like to help out. Please let me know what else you need and i will see if i have it.
Hi, thanks Alex.We have all we need now just waiting for the transformer to show up then going to ship everything out.The response has been amazing.Next year we will try an do multiple families.Please keep the cause in mind.Nick
rockstars1989 posted:Alex M posted:Hi Nick,
This is a wonderful thing you're doing, i don't know how i missed this thread. I didn't read all the posts above, but i would like to help out. Please let me know what else you need and i will see if i have it.
Hi, thanks Alex.We have all we need now just waiting for the transformer to show up then going to ship everything out.The response has been amazing.Next year we will try an do multiple families.Please keep the cause in mind.Nick
Maybe you can use another freight car, i will be glad to send one.
Who's getting the train set?
If I can get an oval of track from someone, I have enough to create a second set to give out.
Engineer Bob posted:If I can get an oval of track from someone, I have enough to create a second set to give out.
I have enough for two loops, but Nick is only committing to one family this year, so I'll hold onto it for next Christmas. It's getting too close to do another at this point. Someone did suggest a possible central drop point, so maybe that can be discussed further.