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It's a start.  Going with a traditional oval layout unlike previous years "behind-the-tree" format.  It's 4x8 modular benchwork on a folding table.  Have to keep it up off the floor lest the dog reenact a scene from Godzilla.  I hope to incorporate several button activated operating accessories to make the layout interactive for family and guests.  More to come.

3 Dec 16 - 33 Dec 16 - 23 Dec 16 - 118 Nov 16 - 118 Nov 16 - 2christmas-2016-two-loops-rev1


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  • 3 Dec 16 - 2
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  • 18 Nov 16 - 1
  • 18 Nov 16 - 2
  • christmas-2016-two-loops-rev1
Last edited by Garrett76
Original Post

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Moonman posted:


Looking at the 3D, the inside loop won't fit. The roadbed edges of inner and outer are on top of one another at the bottom.

What's the width and depth of the cut-outs for the curtains?

I think the cutouts are 8 x 18.  The track plan is more of a guideline than a rule.  There will be some changes in final execution.  I'm not bumping out into the rear section due to some scenery elements

I recently built the modular benchwork and there are no holes for running cords or wiring.  So, I'm positioning the Dept 56 buildings and Lionel/MTH operating accessories for desired final placement and marking the holes.  Next step will be to remove everything from the benchwork and drill the holes.

Overall view


Red Baron pylon (near Dept 56 Peanuts gang animated skating pond)


Nutcracker auto gateman


Rotating aircraft beacon


Gabe the Lamplighter


Crossing gates


Thanks for looking



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I did get the Red Baron pylon and K-Line pushbutton switch connected directly to the CW-80 accessory terminals.  You can see a short clip of pylon rotation in the middle of my video in previous post.  Per conversation on a separate thread, I thought I bought two jumper blocks from Lowe's, but they turned out not to be.   So, I cannot connect multiple accessories in parallel until I get the right parts.  I will probably wait until tear down and then wire everything in preparation for next year.


I viewed the video with my 5 year old grandson. He really liked the pylons and thought the cookies and milk train was cool after I pointed out what the cars where. He's just learning to read. He asked me "where did he build it?". I thought he meant like the garage or something. He wanted to come over and see it. We visit a lot of layouts for trips. He didn't like that we are kinda far apart.

Moonman posted:

You make the terminal blocks into a bus by jumpering one side. You can use whatever you have. Some thin bare solid wire, a group of forked spade terminals with small wire loops.

The will give you multiple hot taps and the other for multiple common taps. Mark them to remind you.

"I'm makin' angels!"

I'm not sure which terminal block Garrett bought. If it's the black one, they make a jumper strip to convert it to a bus. Here is one.


This can be cut in two to make two separate bus sections on the same block. If Garrett bought the white one, then I have seen wires used to jumper each post.



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