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I have started gathering together stuff for my new layout. I tore down my 2 rail layout about 2 years ago. I am going back with 3RS. I have already started hoarding the Scaletrax switches/track and some 3R locos too. I have not decided yet if I will go with Legacy or DCS but I am reading everything I can about both of them. I am about to re-up my subscription to OGR as I have purchased the last several on the news stand and that gets  expensive fast. I have decided to run all my trains unweathered for the time being. I am not as interested in that as I am just watching them run. I may start a weathering regime after the layout is built. My space is 16 x22 and I have no track plan yet.


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Sounds like a good plan. I wish you luck on coming up with a track plan and figuring out everything else. I use Atlas track, but I think ScaleTrax is also a good choice and they have their switches available again with all of Dave Hikels's recommended changes. There is a recent thread here about the changes. I am more Hi-rail, but I actually like having the 3rd rail. 

I am still fairly new to all this, but the one thing I can think of to suggest is to wire your layout for DCS (using adequately sized wire) no matter what control system you choose. DCS seems to be the most particular in it's requirements with blocks and other requirements to make it perform to it's full potential. After that, Legacy is an easy one wire connection to add later on if you choose to do so. I would recommend using the DCS wiring guidelines in Barry's book, The DCS Companion, now available from OGR. It's a good book with a lot of good information. The DCS wiring guidelines are also good practices and would also help any system (no matter what control system it uses) when trouble shooting down the road.

Anyway, good luck and please keep us posted on your progress and please include pictures too.

I'm in the wire it for DCS camp Malcolm.  I am running both DCS and Legacy on my 3RS layout because as stated you WILL find locomotives from both MTH and Lionel that you'll just "have to have".....  With the wiring I just decided to use speaker wire which I found for cheap, I had several MTH terminal strips left over and put those to use.  My layout right now is 12'X40' and I'm using both fixed inputs on the TIU.

Malcolm, I am in the same boat. It will probably be next summer before I get to start my build, but I have already started collecting track, switches, buildings, and of course some rolling stock. I am hoping it will lessen the blow in the wallet when it comes time to put everything together. Maybe I will have some cash for tree's and grass buy then. LOL

Good luck Malcolm!

As much as I enjoy switching freight cars, I've really started enjoying watch passenger trains run around my small layout.

If I can clear out the rest of my upstairs space it will be about the same size as your space and I'm thinking of extending the mainline around the room just so I can have a longer run for my passenger trains.  I plan on not much more than a mainline running thru the countryside.

With the GGD Silver Meteor scheduled to hopefully begin production a longer mainline is almost mandatory.

Brother_Love posted:

My space is 16 x22 and I have no track plan yet.

He posted in the first post...

colorado hirailer posted:

Since there may be some lamentation from two-railers, I am curious as to why you have made the change?  Don't feel pressured, but we all expect to see superb modeling, to match your rolling stock constructions.

That amount of space would squeeze a decent 2-rail layout, that could be one reason.

Matt Makens posted:

You change scales like you change socks. I agree with RTR12, wire it for DCS, even if you're not planning on getting it. Youll see some MTH loco that you absolutely love and just have to have so you get it then the DCS upgrade comes and then youre into a full rewire job.


To be honest I never made it to HO scale. After I purchased a couple of pieces of rolling stock and held it in my hand it just did not feel right. I still have N scale in a coffee table layout. I just can't seem to leave O scale. I have a friend who describes o scale  as "ponderous", I like that description.

Dear Malcom,

Best of luck with your 3 rail scale. My layout size is the same as yours. I went around the walls so I could run large steam and passenger cars with the track nicely super elevated. It makes a huge difference as you can close couple everything and run prototypical steam era crack passenger trains at a scale 60 to 100 mph and it looks correct.

Ron H.

Good luck with your new layout, Malcolm.

I just built a new layout, and designed it from the start to handle both DCS and Legacy, and strongly recommend that you do the same.  DCS works well when you design and wire it per Barry's DCS Companion book. If you don't do it up front, it might not be easy to add power drops afterwards to get the strong DCS signal that you want.  Since you have not built it yet, you can easily accommodate both control systems right out of the gate.

Have fun accumulating your stuff and enjoy your build.

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