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awhile back i had asked about 3 rail european o gauge if it existed since MTH basically killed their line and someone directed me to ACE Trains of London

i have been looking for trains like ACE and also Darstaed ever since i was very young on and off and now that british tinplate bug has bit me yet again but boy ACE is expensive

My main question is how do I get ace in the United States. I really want some of these trains as well as darstaed trains

your help would be greatly appreciated

also i would like to know if ACE and Darstaed are compatable with lionel fastrack and AC transformers

looking at ACE brings back memories of a company i created for my model railroad called Eagle Eye Transportation. Ran by a scottish woman named Lily Johnston the main goal of eagle eye was to bring the british rail experience to the united states particularly british steam. I would like to create Lily's adventure with ACE and Darstaed locomotives and rolling stock in a youtube series called British Invasion : the untold story of Eagle Eye.

Last edited by paigetrain
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Lots of information on the ACE website about specifics.

The short version is that they as well as Darstead, run on DC 3 rail, so you can use fastrack/realtrax, and an LGB or other G scale higher voltage output power pack.

You get the trains to the USA by shipping from overseas.  Prepare for some more sticker shock.  ACE ships direct on new products ordered from them.  Used products from dealers, auctions, and eBay are handled by mail or other international carriers.

scale with larger flanges  but they run on 3 rail , if I remember correctly they are not 027 proportions.  UK and European are built to a deferent standard than American toy trains


but with what i'm hearing it will be a LONG time if at all before i can bring any of these trains to the layout i'm planning

but you can't always get what you wan't in life

and it hurts especially when the trains and catalogs both here and over the pond are so seductive and i'm so spineless

TCA member Edward Cognazzo is the US distributor for Darstaed.  He sets up at York.  He is listed on Darstaed's website.

Search on the forum - there are several threads about buying Ace trains - I think that there's a seller in UK called the Stationmaster's House or something like that.  If you buy from overseas, your credit card company will do the currency conversion.  Many credit cards charge a 3% fee for purchases in a foreign currency - check yours before ordering.

I've bought all of mine from Cognazzo and the former distributor (John Hoover) - much simpler than messing with international shipping.

Edit:  Found this thread -  The website referenced in it is no longer active, but Cognozzo was selling at York in April.  Looks like he is @TinMan on the forum, although he hasn't visited in awhile.

Last edited by Mallard4468
@ogaugenut posted:

Several have mentioned that the Ace Trains run on DC, but they have made some in AC; I have one.  I bought this at a train show at least ten years ago.  I dont know the back story.  AC, fwd, Reverse lever (no e unit), no whistle.  Size and level of detail about the same as a Hornby like this.  Pulls OK

Ace and Darstaed are designed to run on 3-rail DC.  The previous US distributor, John Hoover, would add a rectifier / reversing unit for about $25, so that's probably what you got.  I don't think the current US distributor does that; for my last loco, I got a rectifier / reverse unit from Dallee - easy to install.

There are several excellent dealers in the UK, Raylo, Ellis Clark, Vintage Hornby(Mike Delaney), WJvintage and TSMR.  Also look at the Bassett Lowke line of fine models, both vintage(which did include some 20v AC powered versions) and the new stuff done during the Corgi and Hornby ownership years.  Stunning models as well, even live steam and clockwork.   Hornby also had some nice fairly scale looking models back in the day, especially the #2 special 4-4-0 locos in both 20v AC and Clockwork drives.  Many UK models do take big curves and need Atlas/Gargraves style rail vs Lionel tubular stuff.   Ebay UK is also another good source and many will ship to the USA, even if it isnt listed that way.  A simple message thru ebay will find if they will.  If not, make friends with someone over there that can ship it to you.   When you want to run UK tinplate in the USA, one has to cover every base to find the trains you want or need.   Happy hunting!  AD.     

Last edited by artfull dodger

"Coarse Standards" I think refers to the flanges and track height - ie like comparing our typical 3 rail track with our typical 2 rail track most sizes of which are much lower to the ties.   And 2 Rail flanges are much smaller.    The detail level I think, tends to be the same.    I had a late friend who years ago modeled english O scale - basically a finer standard than coarse, and he talked about this stuff a lot.

Most all the modern UK Tinplate from Corgi/Hornby Bassett Lowke, Darstead and ACE Trains are all DC can motors.  So a ERR board could be installed to allow operation on AC powered layouts.   DC is the common layout power for O gauge 3 rail in the UK vs our AC powered layouts.   Many modern "coarse O scale" engines have much finer flanges than vintage stuff.  Especially the modern Bassett Lowke stuff.  Much of it does not like tubular rails.  I believe all the ACE trains and Darstead 3 rail stuff does ok on tubular as long as the radius is big enough.   AD

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