Can't blame it on Covid but have not been much involved with this hobby for some time. Didn't lose interest, just got involved in another project. Prior to Covid I had taken down my layout, had a new one designed and completed the benchwork before work on it stopped. That other project, rebuilding of a 1968 el camino, is now done and I have gotten back to work on the new layout. All the track has been laid and is operational although just some of it "temporary" for now. I run 3RS and try to run prototypical operations with a card forwarding system. The new layout, with it's single track mainline is a challenge to run with it's trailing and leading turnout sidings and lack of run around tracks. I also run with a caboose or car with a EOT devise which creates further "plan ahead" running. I have not been to a train show in over 3 years but that will change at the end of this month when I attend the Big E. I continue to prepare the liftgate motors for Tim Foley of Mianne Benchwork and will be at his booth there. It is also his first show in over 3 years. I will be checking in with the forum on a daily basis and "reconnect". Here are some shots of how the layout looks today.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Welcome back; layout looks to be in good shape. Any chance you might post a "complete to date" track plan?
Pics of the El Camino please!!
Welcome back to working on the layout! Well, I certainly can't fault you for taking time off to getting that '68 El Camino up to snuff!! I had a friend who had one (maybe not a '68, but close). This was many, many years ago.
The layout looks great! Why am I not surprised to see Mianne benchwork? I talked to you at York 5 years ago or so when Tim was busy with other modelers. My Mianne has served well!
Nice progress in a relatively short period of time. Looking forward to seeing the scenery.
Combining 3-rail with switching operations using cards is uncommon - I'd bet that @Allan Miller would be interested in an article for the magazine.
IMO, your undertaking would also be worthy of Model Railroader or the NMRA magazine - show what can be done in 3-rail.
Welcome back!!!!
For not being involved. You certainly have a lot done on the new layout. Good to have you back posting. I’ll catch up to you at the Big E.
Thanks for posting an image of the plan. That explains why you have that one bridge across an aisle.
WOW Al, you have a long run for a single mainline! That looks impressive, welcome back!
Mark, Don, Dave, nice to see you guys are still here and may catch up with each other. Mallard, as for now, that scenery exists in my imagination only and will take some time to make it into reality.
@Mallard4468 posted:I'd bet that @Allan Miller would be interested in an article for the magazine.
ABSOLUTELY! Welcome back,m and please give my best regards to Tim when you see or talk with him.
Glad you are back. I was wondering what happened to you. Maybe I will see you at York.
Wow - that is one fine looking layout you have going there. Welcome back - I'll see you at Tim's booth or if you can make it - the 1:00 gathering for a photo at the RCS booth.
Welcome back AL Look forward to seeing you at the Big E
Welcome back @Cape Cod Northern AL, see you at the Big E
Great looking track plan!! I'm excited to see what you accomplish because I have tried to incorporate "prototypical operation" into my own layout-in-progress. I just haven't got to the point where I'm using cards but I suspect it will be necessary once somebody besides me is moving cars on the track. It's easy to know where something needs to go in my own mind but other people won't have the background knowledge to know!
Are you modelling a particular era?
Are you going to post pictures of the car?
Being a car enthusiast myself the hobbie(s) can pull you into other directions and sometimes it can get deep!!
For getting derailed, you've got a great start! Good to have you back! Terry
That looks looks great so far, and I am sure the best is yet to come!
Glad to see you're back, Al.
I'll plan on stopping by at the Mianne booth on Saturday at the Big E.
My rolling stock and motive power is mostly Maine Central with some B&M (sister railroad for a time) and the Portland Terminal division. There is also rolling stock for other New England railroads. The era might be from the 60's to the MEC demise in 1982. My choice of industries reflect what type appeared on the line.
I'll send you some pics of the car (since it is not train related).
Great looking layout so far. Welcome back.
The El Camino is one of my all time favs.
Welcome back, Al!
Looking forward to seeing you guys, Paul, Dave C, Ben, Gary, Richie C and all others at the Big E. Will be nice to catch up.
Just as a note on the pictured trackplan, the dark black line going around is a proposed 2' tall scenery blocker which will make the layout a true walk around. ( I already apologized to Tim for not having a lift-up bridge on this layout).
@Cape Cod Northern posted:Can't blame it on Covid but have not been much involved with this hobby for some time. Didn't lose interest, just got involved in another project. Prior to Covid I had taken down my layout, had a new one designed and completed the benchwork before work on it stopped. That other project, rebuilding of a 1968 el camino, is now done and I have gotten back to work on the new layout. All the track has been laid and is operational although just some of it "temporary" for now. I run 3RS and try to run prototypical operations with a card forwarding system. The new layout, with it's single track mainline is a challenge to run with it's trailing and leading turnout sidings and lack of run around tracks. I also run with a caboose or car with a EOT devise which creates further "plan ahead" running. I have not been to a train show in over 3 years but that will change at the end of this month when I attend the Big E. I continue to prepare the liftgate motors for Tim Foley of Mianne Benchwork and will be at his booth there. It is also his first show in over 3 years. I will be checking in with the forum on a daily basis and "reconnect". Here are some shots of how the layout looks today.
Ambitious and beautiful! I can't imagine how nice that '68 came out with this much devotion and talent.
More, please, sir! (as you continue to progress)
Wow, I’ve wondered where you were hiding, thanks for showing us your amazing layout, fantastic track work and telling us about your other fun project. Welcome back and keep us updated…. Happy New Year. Happy Railroading Everyone
Been a little over two years since I posted any updates. Got sidetracked with another project but I have been spending time operating the layout this winter. Thought it was time to get something done so I started mocking up my scenic dividers.
That’s a whole lotta layout. Very nice. Should be lots of fun to run. Maybe a video in the future.
I continue to prepare the liftgate motors for Tim Foley of Mianne Benchwork.
After seeing this quote, I wonder if I have a genuine Al Z motor on my layout!
Good to see you back at it!
Very nice accessible design. Is Steph helping?
Wow, it’s great to see the return of “Cape Cod Northern, and what a creative layout, fantastic design, and endless mainline, great trackwork with ballast, and the dividers make for neat separation. Thanks for coming back and showing us your nice craftsmanship. Happy Railroading Everyone
Love your layout Al @Cape Cod Northern!!!
You are so neat and tidy, even during your construction phase. How do you do it???
Want to take a holiday and come "down under" and work on my layout for me here in sunny Queensland, Australia???
Peter......Buco Australia.
Thanks all for the likes and comments.
Rod, I am not very adept at computers/cell phone technical skills no matter how easy they make the instructions (mental block). I would have to have someone else to make and post one.
Pete, I know for a fact that I did your Mianne lift motor. Didn't I sign it?
Don, We are joined at the hip. I do the mechanicals but leave the design/art concepts up to her.
Larry, Thanks for the compliments. All these years on the forum and you always have positive, well meant comments to give.
Peter B, It has taken me some 70 odd years to learn self discipline and organization skills or else I could never find the starting point from where I left off or the tools/materials I need to complete the task. I would take you up on your offer but the flight!
Al, I like the concept of the single track line. Especially for the region your modeling. The scenic divider makes you focus on it by keeping the rest of the layout out of sight. Are there plans for backdrops or other scenic elements that are going to be placed on them ?
Dave, I am going to need input from "scenic pros" like yourself to weigh in on those visual aspects. As I said, it is in mock up stage and now I have to come up with a way to fasten it to the layout and and keep the walls plumb while keep those supports minimal.
Dave, I am afraid that printed backdrops economically will be out of the question for the amount I would need. Planning on just painting them a sky blue for now before final installation. Finer detail could then be added on at a later date (or never the way I work).
@Cape Cod Northern posted:Thanks all for the likes and comments.
Pete, I know for a fact that I did your Mianne lift motor. Didn't I sign it?
Al, the layout looks great! On a layout like yours, those scenic dividers will really make a difference in viewing!
I may have missed it but ballast did you use? I really like the color of it.