Not quite as much work as when I used to do it when cutting firewood in the woods. That single finished tree is Republican. ��
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Nice looking work there John, how long did it take you per tree?
I spent about 5 minutes tops, including soaking for a minute or two. Some I will have to spray with matte medium again to put more foam on. It knocks a lot off if I try to respray too soon. These are Super Trees and very fragile until they are soaked.
Nice, cant wait to see them on your layout! I hope you seen I got the Signal bridge working!
Looking good, John.
John nice work on the trees. I like using the super trees too. No two are the same and it is so easy to add foliage to them and in no time at all you have a forest of them. They blend in well with other types..........Paul
Excellent work, those are better than the "big" trees here!
(And we're not talking about the Ash trees which someone though every house on the block should have two of out front. Actually it's HAD two of now
Thanks, guys. After following the instructions I watched a couple of Utube videos that showed using spray adhesive. Looks less messy than soaking, so I might try that in the next batch. The weight method didn't work well for straightening, but another video showed just passing them through steam from a teakettle and holding them straight for 8 seconds. will try that next time, also. I'm planting today; I'll post pictures later.
John, nice job on the trees. I like the way you took the picture looking up the winding road......Paul
Very nice work, John.
Hey John, better be careful if you get it to nice you might start seeing bumbs setting up tents under those nice trees!
I 'm thinkin critters!