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I have been working on one of my grain elevators and thought I would share a picture of it.  I have had a large concrete grain elevator that I started scratch building a few years ago.  I haven't liked where I had it and decided to try a new location.  It is now on a narrow strip of land (9" wide) between my double-track mainline and my single interchange track that connects the western end of my upper branch line.  With it's double silos there wasn't enough room left for a service track to facilitate loading of grain hoppers.  So I made an extension of 12 single silos.  I really like the look of as it now has more of that massive Midwestern grain elevator look like I have seen in central Kansas.





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  • grainelevatoraddition3
Last edited by Chugman
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Having a pesky six-year old inside me who often channels his bizarre ideas, I've thought of modeling an exploding grain silo. Unfortunately, I don't have any place to put a set of silos and elevator and all, but it would be cool and a nice emergency scene to model/play with.


 When I was a kid (1960s?) I saw one in western Kansas/eastern Colorado about a week after it had happened.  My grandfather was a local judge who had to go inspect and certify the damage or something and I went with him.  The grain dust inside a half-empty one had exploded - the silo looked like a ruptured firecracker - concrete rumble everywhere.  No one had been killed, but Wow!  Years later i saw a video of cirvil engineers trying to blow up an old grain elevator.  It defied their efforts with dynamite: Grain dust can be a powerful explosive - it tore the one I saw to pieces. .  



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