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Repairing the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported in 1999 (cont).

I took some 'time' from watching college football to work on this engine.


A good size dent on the left side of the tender.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 93

My initial 'instinct' was to 'beat' on it with a hammer from the inside but that 'thought' disappeared quickly.

I needed a lot of pressure so I used a C clamp and some wood to prevent leaving 'marks' on the brass surface.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 94

I applied some heat from my 'heat shrink' gun and let it 'set' for a few hours.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 95

The head caused the wood to stick to the paint and remove some of it but the tender is going to be 'stripped' anyway.

I couldn't see the dent anymore but I could feel a very small bump inside the tender wall...

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 96

I decided to use metal with the C clamp as it wouldn't 'give' like wood does.

That worked well as no 'bump' is felt inside the tender wall.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 97

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 98

The front ladders were 'bent in' slightly but easy to straighten via the 'fingers'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 99

The back of the tender is going to be a problem.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 100

There is access to the inside but it is limited as another piece of brass supports that area.

It would be nice to remove the back of the tender but I wouldn't be able to re-solder it from the inside and the 'soldering from the outside' would be messy.

I may have to 'bondo' the back and reapply rivets.

I have 2-part bondo that I, normally, use when I build my RC airplanes.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 101



The bottom of the front of the smoke box was bent 'in' but an easy 'fix' with some needle nose pliers.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 102

Boiler front fits nicely.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 103

With this 'number plate' will have to decal this engine as '3985'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 104


The 'elephant in the room'!

The 'overhang' on the cab is badly bent.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 105

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 106

First, I used a piece of wood to push down on the 'bend'.

This didn't move it very far but it allowed me to use other tools on it.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 107

Like the tender I figured a C clamp would give me plenty of 'power' to straighten the cab roof.

I used a piece of wood to keep from damaging the brass as the C clamp has a hole in the middle of the 'pad'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 108

After getting the roof 'kinda'  straight, I used the resistance soldering iron to remove the metal strip along the back of the roof that helps divert smoke from the cab.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 109

A brass wire brush in a Dremel was used to 'clean up' the area so I can better evaluate my progress.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 110

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 111

There was a small 'bump' in the center that needed 'work'.

I thought my small hammer with a brass end would work but 'changed my mind' as the C clamp worked much better, again.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 111A

Also, I used the 'stain glass' pliers with the curved jaws to help form the roof.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 112

I need to get the 'overhang' to be parallel to the rest of the roof.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 113

Tools of the 'trade'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 114

One of my old body tools and the modeling hammer was used to curve the outside area of the roof figuring it would raise the center of the roof.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 115

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 116

It didn't 'work'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 117

One of my other 'body tools' may work but that's for another 'day'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 118


Gettin' lazy in my old age.

Usually, I install marker lights on all my cabeese so my signaling system knows when the train has left it's respective block.

I thought I'd try this 30 second method and just add a 1000 OHM resister to a truck and turn one wheel 180 degrees to make 'contact' with both rails (assuming your truck is plastic and not metal).

I had to add another resister for my 'signaling system' would 'notice it'.

cabeese with resistors added 01

Needed a cabeese for my NH electrics that Rapido 'brought out' this year.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 119


Bob stopped by with his friend, Jim from Detroit, to visit the layout.

Bob and Jim visit 01


Images (30)
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 93
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 94
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 95
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 96
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 97
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 98
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 99
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 100
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 101
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  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 107
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  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 109
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 110
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  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 111A
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  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 115
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  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 117
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 118
  • cabeese with resistors added 01
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 119
  • Bob and Jim visit 01
Last edited by samparfitt

'Cabeese' enhancements.

Added resistors to the remaining 'cabeese' that I obtained in the last few months at train shows.

One 2K resistor would work but I only had 1K so I soldered them in parallel.  These are needed to let the LCC signaling system know when a train has left a block.

The trucks are metal so I had to keep the insulated part of each wheel sets on the 'same side'.

GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 01

Some very thin wire wrapped around each axle.

GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 02

Drilled holes in the wood frame and routed wires from the resistors to each truck.

GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 03

This is an all wood, either Silver Streak or Ambroid, and it can't be disassembled to insert any 'lighted' marker lights on the caboose.

GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 04

Each caboose checked to insure it 'triggers' the LCC 'detection' system high lighting in red.

GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 05


When the trucks are just plastic, I just reversed one wheel set in each truck and wrapped the resistor around each axle.

Most of the wheel sets were insulated on both sides so I had to replace them with Intermountain wheels sets.

UP caboose 25690 atlas 01

UP caboose 25690 atlas 02

I've had this B&O caboose for a few years but I couldn't figure out how to disassemble it for marker lights.

Just adding the resistors to the trucks allows it to be functional on the layout.

The caboose is really nicely detailed and made by Spring Mills.

B&O wagontop caboose spring mills 05

Not as 'cool' as having lighted marker lights but, at least, the new 'cabeese' are functional for the signaling system.

GN caboose #382 Oriental limited 02

Was going to add resistors to this caboose but it has 'squared off' axles and rotating 'Timkin' bearings so it's a 'no go'.

SP caboose 4699 01

Very nicely detailed caboose.

SP caboose 4699 02

Lots of 'stuff' on the bottom that one never sees!

SP caboose 4699 03

Nice 'see through' walk ways.

SP caboose 4699 04

Another all wood caboose.

GN wood caboose #204 silver streak 01

I really didn't 'need' the newly acquired GN 'cabeese' as I, already, have plenty of them but whoever built them did too 'nice of a job' to not purchase them!

Seattle's caboose track.

caboose 03

St. Paul's caboose track.

caboose 04

Newly 'enhanced' 'cabeese'.

caboose 05

caboose 06

All 'non GN' 'cabeese' are located 'off' the layout.

caboose 07


Images (20)
  • GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 01
  • GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 02
  • GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 03
  • GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 04
  • GN wood caboose #269 silver streak 05
  • UP caboose 25690 atlas 01
  • UP caboose 25690 atlas 02
  • B&O wagontop caboose spring mills 05
  • GN caboose #382 Oriental limited  01
  • GN caboose #382 Oriental limited  02
  • SP caboose 4699 01
  • SP caboose 4699 02
  • SP caboose 4699 03
  • SP caboose 4699 04
  • GN wood caboose #204 silver streak 01
  • caboose 03
  • caboose 04
  • caboose 05
  • caboose 06
  • caboose 07
Last edited by samparfitt

Thanks Mark,

Once in awhile I get something 'right'!


Repairing the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported in 1999 (cont).

Spent most of the day with my daughter but got 'some done'.

I figured I could raise the back of the cab roof if I could bend the center and that would force it 'upwards'.

I taped two small pieces of wood to the top outside edge of the 'stain glass' pliers and one small piece of wood to the bottom of the pliers.  I tested this 'theory' on a piece of scrap brass and it seemed to work.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 120


UP 4-6-6-4 1999 120A


It did help a lot.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 121

I files away some of the solder that secured the 'smoke deflector'.

There's still some 'dents' in the roof. 

I'm guessing I won't be able to remove all of them so my next step will be to put solder in the 'dents' and then file it smooth and then re-add the rivets. 

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 122

Looks pretty good from the 'rear'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 123


Images (5)
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 120
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 120A
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 121
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 122
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 123

Several items.

Repairing the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported in 1999, CNJ 4-6-4T arrived, more conifers arrived and Ross Club pictures.


Repairing the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported in 1999 (cont).

Smoothing out the cab roof.

Decided to used solder to fill in the 'bad spots' on the cab roof.

Used a 'test piece' of brass before 'working' on the cab.

Coated the 'test' brass with some flux after cleaning the surface.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 124

Initially, tried the 'resistance' soldering but that didn't work well so I used the Weller's 'station' with a large 'tip'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 125

The solder flowed well onto the 'test' surface.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 126

After filing, there was a hole in the solder so I added more solder.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 127

I was able to get a smooth surface so onto the 'real thing'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 128


Lots of 'dents' to 'fill in'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 129

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 130

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 131

Wrapped a wet towel around the engine to help contain the 'heat'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 132

Added a layer of solder over the area and then another layer over those 'dents'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 133

First some 220 on a paint stick to remove the 'bulk' of solder; then a fine file to smooth the surface.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 134

Finally, some wet 220 sandpaper to make it really smooth.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 135

It looks good but, from experience restoring old cars and building my airplanes, I'll have to add primer to that area and sand the primer to get a nice smooth finish.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 136


'Smoke deflector' added.

I used large tin snips to cut about a 3/32" wide piece of brass for the 'smoke deflector'.

Soldered one piece to the test brass to insure it 'works'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 137

The tin snips 'curled' the brass, which was good, since it has to conform to the roof.

I pre-tinned the 'smoke deflector'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 138

Best way to hold the 'smoke deflector' but need some insulation from the 'heat'!

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 139

After soldering the 'smoke deflector' which protruded on both sides of the roof, I cut and filed the ends of the 'smoke deflector'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 140



Stripped the paint off the tender.  Tenshodo uses lacquer paint on their engines.

Went quickly using a 'black bristle' brush and the air compressor.

One jar to get most of the paint off and a second 'clean' jar to insure all residue is removed.

Glad I keep all those empty glass jars!

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 141

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 142

Right side.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 143

The left side still has a very faint 'dimple' where there was a dent.

Probably will use primer to fill it 'in'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 144

The back of the tender, yet, has to be fixed.  Either bondo or solder: will have to 'sleep on it'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 145

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 146


New arrival.

Central New Jersey 4-6-4T imported by PFM (United) in 1969.

Had to get this engine since it's unusual with no tender.

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 01

Comes in a 'shay' size box.

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 02

Nicely detail, especially for a model that is 53 years old!

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 03

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 04

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 05

Fortunately, I was able to get decals of it.

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 06

It appears the engine has been in the box all it's life!

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 07

Back truck is insulated and is the 'tender' version of providing the 'ground' side.

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 08

Looks new!

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 09

cool: there is a pilot for the back of the engine.  Has 2 screws to secure it to the engine.

I read awhile ago that CNJ didn't 'turn' the engines but just ran them 'back wards' to 'save time'.

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 10


More trees arrived.

10 boxes of 5.5" conifers.  20 per box.

Still have 6 more boxes of the variable size trees; 40 per box, yet to arrive.

GNRW 2022 240

GNRW 2022 241

Separating them produces a lot of 'needles'!

GNRW 2022 242


Ross Club meeting.


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 passenger train at Tye:

Engine imported by BLI and passenger cars by Walthers.

Love those 'port hole' windows and 'beaver tail' observation car.

Milwaukee S-3 departing Whitefish:

Erie Triplex 2-8-8-8-2 imported by MTH.

Stopping at Hillyard due to a red signal.

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 01

Erie Triplex at Skykomish.

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 02


Ross club Nov 1, 2022 03

Chumstick canyon trestle.

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 04

Milwaukee S-3 at Willmar.

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 05

AHHH: new trees make the picture look better!


Ross club Nov 1, 2022 06

St. Paul.

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 07

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 08

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 09

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 10

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 11


Ross club Nov 1, 2022 12

Joe dispatching.

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 13

Bob doing some 'switching'.

Ross club Nov 1, 2022 14


Images (50)
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 124
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 125
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 126
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 127
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 128
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 129
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 130
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 131
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 132
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 133
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 134
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 135
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 136
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 137
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 138
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 139
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 140
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 141
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 142
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 143
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 144
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 145
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 146
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 01
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 02
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 03
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 04
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 05
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 06
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 07
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 08
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 09
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 10
  • GNRW 2022 240
  • GNRW 2022 241
  • GNRW 2022 242
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 01
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 02
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 03
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 04
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 05
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 06
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 07
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 08
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 09
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 10
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 11
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 12
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 13
  • Ross club Nov 1, 2022 14
Last edited by samparfitt

Repairing the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported in 1999 and PM the CNJ 4-6-4T imported in 1969.


UP 4-6-6-4 challenger.


There was a dent on the side of the tender plus multiple dents on the rear of the tender.

I removed most of the dent on the side of the tender but there was one small dent that could be seen when 'angled just right'.

I figured a really small round piece of brass would remove the small dent.

I cut about an 1/8" piece from some brass sheeting and taped it over the small dent.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 147

Again, I used two metal pieces and a C clamp to put pressure on the small piece of brass.

That seemed to work as I can't see the small dent anymore.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 148


Dents on the rear of the tender.


I used the inner support wall, that is about a 1/4" away from the rear of the tender to my 'advantage'.

I used a hobby screw driver to push on the inside of the rear of the tender and used the inner wall as a 'fulcrum'.

I used my fingers to hold the edges of the rear of the tender while pushing on the 'dents'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 149


UP 4-6-6-4 1999 145


I, also, used some needle nose pliers along the bottom of the tender.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 150

Drilled some holes in the marker lights for LED's.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 152


CNJ 4-6-4T PM.

Replacing the motor.

Open frame.

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 11

Can motor with new universal tubing.

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 12

Some 'house' caulk to secure the can motor to a removable motor mount base.

Some tape to insure the caulk doesn't adhere to the frame.

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 13

Let that 'cook' overnight.

MMMM: 11 hours fixing a shop vac and working on trains: guess it's time to eat!

CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 14


Images (11)
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 147
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 148
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 149
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 150
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 151
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 152
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 11
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 12
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 13
  • CNJ 4-6-4T PFM 14
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 145
Last edited by samparfitt

Thanks Mark.

It keeps me off the streets at night!


Repairing the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported in 1999  and more conifers planted.


Tenshodo UP challenger repair:

Stripped the paint off the boiler.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 153

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 154

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 155

Steam dome and oil cover for tender.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 156

Mixed up some of my 2 part primer.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 157

Primer on the back of the tender and cab roof overhang.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 158

plus over the dent on the side of the tender to insure it's not visable.

Primer reveals 'flaws'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 159

Cab roof.  I masked off the 'areas' to reduce 'over spray'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 160

Cooked in my toaster oven for 2 hours at 200 degrees.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 161

Wet sanded with 600 grit.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 162

Water reflecting the 'light' in the lower left hand corner.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 163

Tender 'dent' seems 'good'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 164

Drilled hole in 'back head' for LED.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 165


The remaining 6 boxes of trees arrived.

5 boxes are just the large trees (5.5").

GNRW 2022 243

I bought one box of 80 trees that were 'different' from the other purchases.

GNRW 2022 244

GNRW 2022 245

More trees added to Willmar.

GNRW 2022 246

GNRW 2022 246A


GNRW 2022 247


GNRW 2022 248

GNRW 2022 249

Same picture but I 'straightened' the yellow trees!

GNRW 2022 250

GNRW 2022 251

That just 'gobbled up' 7 boxes of trees.

Just ordered another 10 boxes so total of 1200 trees, so far!

GNRW 2022 252


Images (24)
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 153
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 154
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 155
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 156
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 157
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 158
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 159
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 160
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 161
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 162
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 163
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 164
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 165
  • GNRW 2022 243
  • GNRW 2022 244
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  • GNRW 2022 246
  • GNRW 2022 246A
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  • GNRW 2022 251
  • GNRW 2022 252
Last edited by samparfitt

Repairing the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported in 1999.

Unfortunately, I had to strip the new paint as I 'strayed' from my usual 'painting routine'.

Taping off the boiler and tender plus paper towels when applying the 'primer' left 'tape residue and paper dust' on the engine and tender.  Noticed it after applying the first coat.

This picture is after the parts were stripped and the first coat of paint applied, again!

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 166

'Tools of the trade'.

My 50 year old Binks air brush; we've, probably, painted over a hundred engines over the last 50 years!

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 167

High gloss.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 168

After the first paint application I applied 'rivets' to the part of the cab roof that was damaged.

These are 'rivet' decals.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 169

My 50 year old Solvaset bottle, finally, 'ran out'!

The new bottle should last until I 'croak'!

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 169A

I use a very soft brush to apply the Solvaset.

One long set of rivets perpendicular to the cab roof and 2 short sets of rivets parallel to the roof.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 169B

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 169C

2nd coat of black paint.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 170

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 171

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 172

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 173

2 hours at 200 degrees.  Old toaster over works great.

Best not to use the 'oven' in the kitchen as the 'dial' could, accidentally, be turned 'up'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 174

No need to re-paint the 'running gear'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 175


Unpacked the remaining boxes of trees.

GNRW 2022 253


Images (15)
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 166
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 167
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 168
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 169
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 169A
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 169B
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 169C
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 169D
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 170
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 171
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 172
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 173
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 174
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 175
  • GNRW 2022 253

I'm 'environmentally friendly'!

320 more conifers planted

BEFORE: Left to right.

GNRW 2022 254

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Most of the 'golden rod' was removed.

GNRW 2022 258

Left of the new 'plantings' that I 'planted' previously.

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GNRW 2022 260

Ran out of trees at this location.

Got 10 more boxes arriving.

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GNRW 2022 262

Moved 3 of my 18" 'pines' behind the Tumwater canyon trestle.

GNRW 2022 263

Out with the 'old'!

GNRW 2022 264

The Ross club members took my last batch of boxes that the trees arrived 'in'.

Hopefully, they'll want 'more'!

7 boxes were used.

GNRW 2022 265


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  • GNRW 2022 254
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Dayton, Ohio train show.

Miles: 40


Dayton Nov 2022 01

First building.

Dayton Nov 2022 02

Dayton Nov 2022 03

Dayton Nov 2022 04

Dayton Nov 2022 05

Dayton Nov 2022 06

Dayton Nov 2022 07

Dayton Nov 2022 08

Dayton Nov 2022 09

Dayton Nov 2022 10

Dayton Nov 2022 11

Dayton Nov 2022 12

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All SP.

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Something different: ponds.

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Marklin catenary set.

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Rocky owner of Dixie Union station hobby shop in Mason, Ohio.

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Tracy and John owners of Hamilton Hobbies hobby shop.

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Impressive builder of very large buidings.

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Second building: mostly layouts.

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Cigar box.

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5 bucks, each, for two of them and 10 for the other.

Dayton Nov 2022 50

Flat car loads.

Dayton Nov 2022 51


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Last edited by samparfitt

Frustration: 3 hours to locate a simple short!

3 of my 9 circuit breakers (CB) was 'shorting' (they are all on the same 'booster')

Besides 'on/off' toggles 'leaving' from each CB, I, also, have toggles along the facia to turn power 'on/off' to different tracks.

In the 'past' I had a short in the Seattle's yard where a turnout was shorting due to a 'frog'.

I started by turning off toggles to all the tracks in the yard but nada.

I turned off the 'main' toggle to Seattle's yard on the old 'control board' and the short disappeared.

OK, I surmise the problem is in the Seattle's yard.

After  extension checking I could find no problems so I routed the D1 (Seattle) CB to a spare CB.

Continues on 3rd picture.

GN shorts 01

Previously, I had trouble with shorts with all these turnouts but they checked out OK.

GN shorts 01A

I connected the spare CB to D1 and all was working well so I figure the CB went 'bad'. I used alligator clips for temporary 'checks'.

One 'booster' goes to 3 blocks (D1, D6 and D9) so I needed to route the 'booster' to the spare CB for D6 and D9 but I got a 'short' again.

D6 is the St. Paul yard and this was causing the short so now I had to diagnose the St. Paul yard.

GN shorts 02

I put the wires back to the original CB for D1.

Since I route 2 wires (the bottom 2 on the left side of the CB) from D1 to D6, the D6 short was causing D1 to 'blink red' for a 'short'.

GN shorts 03

This is the main 'terminal strip' for the St. Paul yard.

I started disconnecting 'output' wires until the 'short' stopped.

GN shorts 04

This area of the St. Paul yard, now, had to be diagnosed.

I found no problems so disconnect wires leading from this area to the roundhouse.

GN shorts 05

I checked the 'lead tracks' going to the round house and all was 'good'.

GN shorts 06

I then turned off the toggles leading to the turntable and round house tracks and the round house tracks were causing the short.

GN shorts 07

After 3 hours I found out that one of the tender trucks was off the track and causing the short

After all the 'analysis' it made sense since 'logic dictated' that if I turn off the toggle to the 'affected' area, the short should have 'reset'.  I just didn't turn off enough toggles.

Also, I failed to realize that  removing the 'power' to D1 also removed power to D6.

I leave a couple tracks 'ON' for visual effects with all the LED's on the engine which was my 'down fall'!

GN shorts 08


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Last edited by samparfitt

Repairing the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported in 1999 (cont).

Making an 'elephant ear'.

I had one Tenshodo 'elephant ear' that I acquired back in the 80's which I used as a template to make the opposite side part.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 176

I 'scratched' an outline on some brass sheeting using the existing 'smoke deflector', used tin snips to cut the straight edges and then used files to 'round'  the two top ends to match the existing 'smoke deflector'.

I used a wide 'vise grips' to hold the top of the 'smoke deflector' to a piece of metal pipe and bent the sheet metal.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 177

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 178

Soldered an 'L' brass piece to the 'smoke deflector'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 179

Used tin snips to cut some thin pieces from some brass sheeting for the upper support 'arms'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 179A

After soldering the support arms, I used some 'dividers' to insure all support arms are the same length ( more accurate when you don't measure!).

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 179B

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 179C

Hard part done.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 180

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 181

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 182


Drill holes to secure to 'running boards'.

Used a sprung center punch to insure the drill bit doesn't 'wander'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 183

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 184

Hobby drill press.

Used a popsicle  stick for 'support'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 185

Used the 'smoke deflector' to drill the holes in the 'running boards'.

One hole drilled, tapped and 'smoke deflector' attached before drilling the 2nd hole.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 186

A little black paint over the bare brass.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 187

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 188

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 189

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 190


Cleaned and painted them.

Both painted to insure the grey paint matches the boiler with the same black 'sub base'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 191

Brass screws, also, painted.

It took a total of 5 hours to accomplish this task.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 192


Figure I'd better run the 'track cleaner' over the layout after installing 800 trees as some 'pine needles' fall off the conifers while 'planting' them.

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Trains looks much better with the new conifiers.

Got 800 more trees arriving; hopefully, that will be sufficient!

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New magazine arrived:

Lionel mag 01


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  • Lionel mag 01
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Ross club meeting.


SF PA A-B-B-A freight drag at Marias pass.

The 'bulk' of the freight cars are vintage metal Athearn/Varney and wood Silver Streak/Ambroid kits.

Tumwater canyon trestle:

NH EP-5 electric freight at Tumwater canyon trestle.

The freight cars are Mark's.

Gerry with the SF PA's.

Ross club meeting 2022 01

Chumstick canyon trestle.

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NY EP-5 electric at Willmar.

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Some of Mark's 'rolling stock'.

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Seattle's freight yard.

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Last edited by samparfitt

Repairing the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported in 1999 (cont).

Prep for painting the UP 2-tone grey colors.


Painting is easy, the hard part is the 'prep'!


'Tools of the trade'.

Regular masking tape, glass, metal straight edge, toothpick to 'lay down' the tape, X-acto knife, small scissors for cutting excess tape on the model and tweezers.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 193

Masking tape is 'flexible' when cut in narrow strips.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 194

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 195

Some tape has to be less than a 1/16" wide.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 196

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 197

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 198

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 199


UP 4-6-6-4 1999 200

Only way to have grey behind the ladder is to mask it 'off'!

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 201

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 202

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 203

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 204

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 205

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 206

It took 4 hours to mask the parts. 

Hah: and my daughter says I have no 'patience'!

Ready to be painted.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 207

I've been waiting 4 months for my paint to arrive from Minuteman so I decided to 'google' the paint that I needed.

Surprisingly, I found most of the paint.

Also, I was surprised at how much Scalecoat paint the Walther's had.

Besides the UP harbor mist (for the lighter grey) I also purchase EL gray and NYC grey, just to be 'safe' on the 'color tone'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 208

Looking at the bottoms I thought the EL grey (left bottle) looked best versus the more darker UP grey (right bottle), but...

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 209

I got my KEY 2-tone grey and it matches the UP harbor mist so I used it.

Painting completed.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 210

All tape removed before baking the paint as there is always some 'overspray'.

Toothpick is good at getting the edge of the tape from the part without scratching the surface and then the tweezers can be used.

Since the 'overspray' hasn't 'cooked' yet, it is easy to remove with 'spit' and a toothpick and/or a Q-tip.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 211

All piping is hand painted as it won't show 'brush marks'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 212

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 213

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 214

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 215

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 216

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 217

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 218

Some 'brush' painted will be needed to make the rungs all black.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 219

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 220

2 hours at 200 degrees.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 221

Walther's list of paint that I purchased.

Some is water base as I should be able to apply over an 'oil base' ie the black paint.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 222

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 223

Paint for the CNW streamlined engine.

C&NW 4-6-4 nickel plate 21

Paint for the GTW streamlined engine.

GTW U-4B 4-8-4 16


Had one signal block that was not working properly.

Joe came over and we resolved the problem in about 2 hours (counting software changes).

Tried different 'methods' but, finally, had to use a different 'port' as I'm guessing the 'old port' had a defect in the wires 'leading' to it ('wires' being those on the circuit board).

signals RR-cirkits CB 114


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  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 194
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  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 215
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  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 219
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 220
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 221
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 222
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 223
  • C&NW 4-6-4 nickel plate 21
  • GTW U-4B 4-8-4 16
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 114

Thanks, Mark.


Painting a Virginian EL-2B set of electrics imported by Custom Brass in 1980.

Have to wait for delivery of the UP dark grey to arrive to finish painted the UP challenger so onto the next project.

Back in July this set was purchased.

The set I have is unpainted.

This is what I'm hoping they will look like when I finish painting them!

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 01

All the 'tower' gears where white nylon and were cracked so the engine did not operate.

Fortunately, NWSL had made 'special' gear sets for this engine so I replaced them.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 25

They run well, now.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 40

Decals are very difficult to locate but I managed to find them in 2 different sets.

I'll be using the decal labeled 'VIRGINIAN' but not the stripes as those will be painted.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 41

Some dish washing fluid to clean the parts.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 41A


For the stripes.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 41B

One yellow line along the 'number plates' and one along the base of the engine.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 41C

The last electric I painted was, probably, the GN W-1.

The yellow as applied first and then the rest of the colors.

Yellow and red are difficult colors to get good 'coverage' so those, usually, are applied 'first'.

GN W-1 custom brass 19


While the yellow paint is 'cooking' in the toaster oven;


I have little experience painting electrics (and none for painting diesels) so everything is labeled to insure all parts are reassemble as them 'came apart'.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 42

Label the A unit and the B unit, then  the first 'engine set' as '1' or '2' and then each truck as 'F' and 'R' (front and back).

I put scotch tape over the labels so I can remove the scotch tape after the paint obscures the labels.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 43

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 44

Each truck has it's own 'contact wires' so another 'reason' for labeling all parts.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 45

A unit labeled.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 46

B unit labeled.

I, always, work on motive power with the front facing to the left so the B unit is no exception.

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As with the steam engines everything 'in order'.

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Parts ready to be cleaned and then painted.

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  • GN W-1 custom brass 19
Last edited by samparfitt

Painting a Virginian EL-2B set of electrics imported by Custom Brass in 1980 (cont) and more conifers arrived.

The units get 2 yellow stripes.

I used a divider to mark the back of the engine to insure the line is parallel to the bottom of the engine.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 54

A small 'scratch mark' is sufficient.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 55

Dividers, again, to get the correct width of the 'number boards' that the yellow stripe matches.

Had to get a larger piece of glass so I could have one continuous piece of tape.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 56

Used a piece of paper to slide under the 'hand rails' to pull the tape under them, versus over the 'hand rails' as less likely to get paint 'bleeding'.

Care taken to not stretch the tape and reseal all edges 2-3 times with fingers and tooth pick.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 57

Of course one 'rung' is at the same location to the yellow stripe.

Some extra small pieces of tape used to seal the edges.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 58

My 'go to' black paint; high gloss.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 59

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 60

Tape removed before 'cooking'.

Tape pulled off at a 'low angle' to insure not pulling any newly wet paint from the surface.

A few 'over sprays'; again, a wet tooth pick to remove the excess paint.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 61

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 62


8 more boxes of conifers; 40 per box.

Surprised that they 'seal' them so robustly!

conifers 01

conifers 02


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  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 59
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 60
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 61
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  • conifers 01
  • conifers 02
Last edited by samparfitt

Painting a Virginian EL-2B set of electrics imported by Custom Brass in 1980 (cont).

Painted these engines in 2 stages.

The first was the super structure.

The second is the 'running gear'.

There's so many parts that I wanted to keep everything in it's respective order for assembly.

Used some of my RC airplane 'mold release' on the contact wires on each truck.

Hopefully, it makes for easy removal of paint as I didn't want to put tape on them for fear of damaging them.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 63

The parts that can't be 'cooked' in the toaster oven stays in the box top for painting.

All critical areas were taped to keep paint off of them.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 64

Did 2 'coats' tonight as it's suppose to rain tomorrow plus get cold.

All painting is done in the detached shop; I've got a torpedo heater.

It cost about 10 bucks to heat per day: not bad for a day or two but not every day for a month!

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 65

The 'motor' assemblies can't be seen so no need to paint them.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 66



Tools of the trade.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 67

These engines are 42 years old so I had to find 2 decal sets for this engine; which isn't 'easy'!

The Champ decal 'Virginian' was way too short but I found another set of decals that had the proper 'spacing'.

Unusual in that one side gets 'Virginian' and..

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 68

the other side gets "VGN'.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 69

Glad I obtained 2 sets of these decals.

In the past I've had some Champ decals disintegrate and the older set (top in picture) did 'just that'.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 70

The 'flying' yellow lines are suppose to be parallel to the bottom yellow line but we can't get 'picky' with 40 year old engines and decals plus there were very few of these engines made!

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 71

The last decal to add is the 'number boards'.

They only had 4 sets of these electrics and they only lasted about 10 years before being scrapped.

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Painting a Virginian EL-2B set of electrics imported by Custom Brass in 1980 (cont), more conifers and testing passenger cars.


Applying the 'clear' finish.

Had to cover the tray with aluminum foil to get to the detached shop as it was raining.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 73

The satin gives the a look of an engine that has been operating about a month.

It also seals all the decals and protects the paint.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 74

Running gear as well as the trucks, etc. 'clear' coated. 

Removing the scotch tape allowed me to identify the parts.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 75

A popsicle stick and an X-acto blade used to scrape off the paint from the contact wires.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 75A

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 76

Truck parts as well as the super structure was baked for 2 hours at 200 degrees.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 77

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 78


8 boxes arrived of the remaining 20 boxes were open and 'preped'. 

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Old trees (golden rod) removed.

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Took about 5 boxes.

Will need the 'top side' creeper to finish the rest of the mountain to the right.

GNRW 2022 278


Gerry brought some passenger cars to test.

Gerry 01

An old Walther's passenger car kit with wood roof and base and metal sides.

Gerry 02

Someone spent a lot of time on the interior detailing.

Gerry 03


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  • GNRW 2022 275
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  • Gerry 01
  • Gerry 02
  • Gerry 03


swoops is for 'out of towners' to visit local Cincinnati, Ohio layouts on a week end.

A very nice group arrived at my house Saturday night.

I, thoroughly, enjoyed having them visit.

If my 'old brain' remembers correctly, they were from Georgia, St. Louis, Tennessee, Alabama and Wilmington, Ohio and Dayton, Ohio.   

I may have 2 new 'operators' from the Ohio cities especially since one has a passenger train that he would like to operate.

Of course I had to 'show off' all my new conifers

Also the LCC dispatcher's panel and signaling system and my two wood trestles that I built 60 years ago when I was '16' and all 'hand laid' rail on individual wood ties.


GN P-2 4-8-2 freight drag at Marias pass:

A very friendly group arrived.

Swoops 2022 01

Swoops 2022 02

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GN R-2 2-8-8-2 freight drag and GN S-2 4-8-4 passenger train.

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My new trees!

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GN R-2 at Waverly.

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GN S-2 at Havre.

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GN R-2 at Marias pass.

OOPS: got a 'new' tree to 'fix'!

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GN N-3 2-8-8-0 at Hillyard.

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GN S-2 on my 60 year old trestles.

Swoops 2022 13

Meet at Hillyard.

Swoops 2022 14

Paul getting a GN P-2 4-8-2 train 'ready' to depart Seattle's freight yard.

Swoops 2022 15

GN P-2 leaving Seattle's freight yard.

Swoops 2022 16

GN N-3 at Hillyard.

Swoops 2022 17

Brian from Tennessee operating the GN R-2.

Swoops 2022 18

Brian enjoyed taking the incoming 'cabeese' and 'turning them around' on the turn table so they will be 'oriented correctly' for the next train.

Swoops 2022 19


That morning I added more conifers.

Before with the old 'golden rod'.

GNRW 2022 279

Golden rod removed.

GNRW 2022 280

Conifers 'planted'.

GNRW 2022 281

'Getting there'!

GNRW 2022 282

Got 12 more boxes of 'trees' arriving in 2-3 weeks to finish this area...

GNRW 2022 283

and this area.

GNRW 2022 285

This Waverly area is done.

GNRW 2022 284

After 'planting trees' I'm glad I used the 'track cleaning' car on the mainline as some 'pine needles' got on the track under the 'mountain'.

GNRW 2022 286

First 'snow fall' of this season.  About an inch but it didn't 'stick' to the roads as it was around 70 a few days ago.

Local squirrel doesn't mind me giving him a water tray, peanuts and left over parts of strawberries, apple cores, etc.!

Every day he comes to the screen door and looks in saying "HEY where's my food!".

snow 01


Images (28)
  • Swoops 2022 01
  • Swoops 2022 02
  • Swoops 2022 03
  • Swoops 2022 04
  • Swoops 2022 05
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  • Swoops 2022 09
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  • Swoops 2022 11
  • Swoops 2022 12
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  • Swoops 2022 14
  • Swoops 2022 15
  • Swoops 2022 16
  • Swoops 2022 17
  • Swoops 2022 18
  • Swoops 2022 19
  • GNRW 2022 279
  • GNRW 2022 280
  • GNRW 2022 281
  • GNRW 2022 282
  • GNRW 2022 283
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  • GNRW 2022 285
  • GNRW 2022 286
  • snow 01
Last edited by samparfitt

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting and some post layout PM work.

After the meeting an excellent presentation by Stephen Priest on 'creating urban scenery' and then we visited 2 layouts.

Info on Sintra board that Stephen uses:

Div 7 November 01

Model and photo contest.

Div 7 November 02

Larry Goodridge's layouts.

He has several from HO to 3-rail.

Larry Goodridge layout 01

Living and dining room:

Sorry for the blurry pictures!

Larry Goodridge layout 02

Larry Goodridge layout 03

Basement 3-rail.

Larry Goodridge layout 04

'Turn of the century' layout.

Larry Goodridge layout 05

Other side of basement is another 3-rail layout.

Larry Goodridge layout 06

Larry Goodridge layout 07

Larry Goodridge layout 08

Larry is, also, an artist.

Very nicely painted B-17 'side gunners'.

Larry Goodridge layout 09

Larry Goodridge layout 10


Bob Kress's layout.

Bob Kress layout 01

Bob Kress layout 02

Bob Kress layout 03

Bob Kress layout 04

Bob Kress layout 05

Bob Kress layout 06

Bob Kress layout 07

Bob Kress layout 08

Bob Kress layout 09

Bob Kress layout 10


Some post PM work on my layout after SWOOPS.

I thought this GN R-2 2-8-8-2 was shorting but it must of been one of the freight cars as I found no problems!

GNRW 2022 287

Another GN R-2 had a screw come loose on the valve linkage.

GNRW 2022 288

Most engines have rivets securing the linkages but Tenshodo uses screws so it was an easy fix.

GNRW 2022 289

The 'incoming escape' tracks for the motive power was 'dead'.

GNRW 2022 289A

I connected my 'audio' alarm to the tracks so I could tell when I found the 'problem'.

I had to feed a new 'ground' wire to the tracks.

GNRW 2022 290

Some of the turnouts in the Seattle's freight yard was not conducting electricity.

Some needed 'cleaning'.

GNRW 2022 291

Another needed 'adjusting' of the 'choke cable'.

GNRW 2022 291A

Just had to move the screw holding the other end of the choke cable on the 'underside' of the layout.

GNRW 2022 291B

Two couplers had to be re-glued.

GNRW 2022 292

A different perspective of the layout from the 'back side'.

Seattle's  roundhouse and freight yard.

GNRW 2022 293

The 'far right' turnout and track leads to the new passenger yard as the 'old' passenger yard only had 2 tracks.

GNRW 2022 294


Images (33)
  • Div 7 November 01
  • Div 7 November 02
  • Larry Goodridge layout 01
  • Larry Goodridge layout 02
  • Larry Goodridge layout 03
  • Larry Goodridge layout 04
  • Larry Goodridge layout 05
  • Larry Goodridge layout 06
  • Larry Goodridge layout 07
  • Larry Goodridge layout 08
  • Larry Goodridge layout 09
  • Larry Goodridge layout 10
  • Bob Kress layout 01
  • Bob Kress layout 02
  • Bob Kress layout 03
  • Bob Kress layout 04
  • Bob Kress layout 05
  • Bob Kress layout 06
  • Bob Kress layout 07
  • Bob Kress layout 08
  • Bob Kress layout 09
  • Bob Kress layout 10
  • GNRW 2022 287
  • GNRW 2022 288
  • GNRW 2022 289
  • GNRW 2022 289A
  • GNRW 2022 290
  • GNRW 2022 291
  • GNRW 2022 291A
  • GNRW 2022 291B
  • GNRW 2022 292
  • GNRW 2022 293
  • GNRW 2022 294
Last edited by samparfitt

Lots of 'stuff':

Virginian EL-2B electrics assembly, turning 3 passenger trains 'around' and Ross meeting.

Virginian EL-2B electrics assembly.

Need to combine this....

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 79

with this!

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 80

Assembling the 4 trucks to each 'power unit' insuring 'contact' wires are properly oriented.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 81

While pulling off the tape that kept the center brass from getting paint 'on it', the 'contact' wire went 'flying' to 'who knows where' so a new piece of brass wire was soldered to the truck.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 82

Insulation washers have different size 'collars' so need to use them in the appropriate locations.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 83

Ditto on the screws.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 84

One 'power unit' done.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 85

One electric done. Next: insure all's run 'well' on the track.

virginian EL-2B electrics painted 86


Reversing passenger car sets via the mainline.

GN S-2 4-8-4 brass hybrid by BLI.







Approaching Hillyard;


GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 42


UP E-6 A-B-B passenger train by BLI.





UP E6 A-B-B BLI 41

UP E6 A-B-B BLI 44


GN Z-6 4-6-6-4 by Tenshodo.


Testing the decoder as it's 'clicking' so, probably, needs replacing.

GN Z-6 4001 31


Parked the two GN R-2's after the PM.

GNRW 2022 295


Milwaukee bi-polar electric by MTH with powered pantographs and cast metal superstructure.




Tumwater canyon trestle:


MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 34

Basin tunnel.

MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 35


MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 36

Jerry operating the Milwaukee bi-polar.

MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 37


MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 38

MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 39

Bob operating the Erie Triplex 2-8-8-8-2 by MTH with cast metal boiler and tender.


Departing Havre:


St. Paul:



Erie triplex MTH 61


Erie triplex MTH 62


Erie triplex MTH 63

Bob operating the Erie Triplex.

Erie triplex MTH 64

Erie triplex MTH 65

Some 'switching'.

Erie triplex MTH 66


Jerry operated the GN RDC-3 by Hallmark. Silver coating over the brass so I didn't have to paint it.


Departing Hillyard:

gn rdc-3 27


Front view.

TCS Kam-4 decoder with LED's installed.

gn rdc-3 28

Rear view.

gn rdc-3 29


Images (28)
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 79
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 80
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 81
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 82
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 83
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 84
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 85
  • virginian EL-2B electrics painted 86
  • GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 42
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 41
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 44
  • GN Z-6 4001 31
  • GNRW 2022 295
  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 34
  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 35
  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 36
  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 37
  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 38
  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 39
  • Erie triplex MTH 61
  • Erie triplex MTH 62
  • Erie triplex MTH 63
  • Erie triplex MTH 64
  • Erie triplex MTH 65
  • Erie triplex MTH 66
  • gn rdc-3 27
  • gn rdc-3 28
  • gn rdc-3 29
Last edited by samparfitt

New delivery.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 imported by Tenshodo in 1984.

I purchased the engine from a fellow railroader that I've known for about 45 years.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 01

The old 'crumbling' yellow foam has been replaced.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 02

Surprised how heavy the engine is.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 03

Nice 'back head' detail and the 'number plate' that Tenshodo started around 1974.

Brasstrains says there were only 16 imported to the USA.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 04

The 'scissors' draw bar that Tenshodo started using around 1974.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 05

Appears to have never been, even, 'test' run.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 06

This engine has the TPE equalizing suspension system modeling the 'prototype' where one driver may rise but the rest of the drivers keep contact with the 'rail'.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 07

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 08

Fireman's side.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 09

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 10

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 11

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 12

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 13

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 14

Top view.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 15

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 16

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 17

Engineer's side.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 18

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 19

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 20

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 21

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 22

I have 3 Tenshodo GN Q-1's.  The other two are from the 70's and I painted them Glacier Park.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 22A

This one has a TCS 1517 decoder with all the LED's installed.

The other engine still has the PFM sound system installed.

Back in the 80's I was fortunate to pick up two of the motor-gear mechanism's used on the 1984 model so these two engines have it.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 22B


I now have 4 engines with the 'equalized suspension' system.

I believe these are the only 4 engines that Tenshodo made with the 'equalized suspension' system.

Right to left:

GN Q-1

UP 4-12-2

GN C-1 0-8-0.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 23

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 24

The 4th engine is the UP 4-6-6-4 challenger that I'm, currently, restoring.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 25


UP 4-12-2 has some nice features.

Great looking cab detail.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 26

Sprung trailing truck.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 27

Scale 'open' frame.

The cam on the 2nd driver is for the functioning Greasley valve...

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 28

That moves to operate the 3rd cylinder.

GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 29


Got a nice letter from one of the visiting railroaders on SWOOPS.

Swoops letter 01


Images (32)
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 01
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 02
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 03
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 04
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 05
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 06
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 07
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 08
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 09
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 10
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 11
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 12
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 13
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 14
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 15
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 16
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 17
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 18
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 19
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 20
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 21
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 22
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 22A
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 22B
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 23
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 24
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 25
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 26
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 27
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 28
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 1984 run 29
  • Swoops letter 01
Last edited by samparfitt

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