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You know, I think this guy is a real dufus by risking his life standing so close to the tracks and purposefully having his back to the train.


However I appreciate anyone who can turn a negative into a positive, especially without litigation.  Just when i checked the article linked above this morning.  A teaser comes on fox news about the exact same thing.  - Just wait for this story to get really big for a few days, and then maybe not see it again for months until someone figures out how to make a commercial out of it!

Originally Posted by Ted Hikel:

In related news....



Young producer of internet video to run for Senate. 


When asked why he would seek high office at only 22 years of age he said "after seeing a Senator almost get killed by a train at a rail safety event I know that I am fully qualified."

Cannot run for Senate.  US, that is. Too young!

This makes me sooooo happy on so many different levels.


1: Stupid kid gets kicked in the head


3: The video when you pause it at the exact point where he gets a boot in the face.

4: <- wtf?



Ted: Rob Ford... the crack smoking wingnut Toronto mayor... I guess what do you expect, he's from Onterrible... The rest of the country's policy makers aren't really like him, they just lie a lot.


Last edited by SteamWolf
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