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I just noticed two All-Nation caboose kits on ebay - both appear to have 3D printed PLA  bodies with differing complementary parts. One is more detailed than the other. The seller has many other All-Nation items listed - some are in packages with the original All-Nation logo; the address is now in Pennsylvania. There are also white metal castings which look like the originals.

I applaud anyone bringing kit building to the hobby. Does anyone have more information?

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@jjscott posted:

I just noticed two All-Nation caboose kits on ebay - both appear to have 3D printed PLA  bodies with differing complementary parts. One is more detailed than the other. The seller has many other All-Nation items listed - some are in packages with the original All-Nation logo; the address is now in Pennsylvania. There are also white metal castings which look like the originals.

I applaud anyone bringing kit building to the hobby. Does anyone have more information?

Somewhere else on this forum there's a lengthy discussion on this subject several a few month ago.

In sum, everything was bought and relocated, and is probably still being sorted out while some parts are on both eBay and the company's web site (hove to look it up.....), while the owner has been recreating several of the kits as 3D printed versions. I have an early test version of a variation of the caboose and then a recent kit for one of the traction flat cars. The latter will be the subject of a product review to be published in the near future.

They had a table at Strasburg.  It looked like a mix of old stuff and newer kits and detail parts.  They were giving away some 3d printed windows I think as samples.  I’m a bit perplexed with their use of a PLA printer for their 3d printing, and think they should explore resin printers.  The PLA print leaves a lot of layer lines that are hard to get rid of, especially in detail rich areas.   They sell a 3d printed version of the waffle side boxcar that I believe Walters made in plastic.  The price is around $165, which is similar or more than many of the real high quality one piece cast resin offerings out there.   I haven’t seen any photos of a finished car, which probably would help sell them.  They might be better off mastering the parts on a 3d resin printer, making molds,  and then casting them in resin.   I think PLA has a place in model railroading, and I use it, but for parts that aren’t visible, or minimally visible.  I just used this method to make bolster centers for my spline log cars.  You can print female threads down to 2mm with PLA.  They’ve done the hard work designing the parts already.

The new fuel tank insert for the die cast F-units is an excellent improvement to the line.  I think the new owner is making an excellent start to reviving the line at reasonable prices and we should support him.  There are too few suppliers left for kit building these days, plus they are open to continuing improvements.

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