Good Evening Everyone, I met my new next-door neighbor a few days ago and we got talking and I mentioned to him that my hobby was trains, all kinds of trains. That perked his ears up and he told me that he an an American Flyer train set in a box up in his attic and that perked my ears up. We talked some more and he wanted to get them down and bring them over so I could look at them, set them up and run them if I so desired and if I was interested in them maybe we could work something out. Of course I'm interested in them and would most definitely like to see what he has and how much he has.
My question is, I don't know where to look or what to buy in order to find out about them when I finally do get to see them. Can some of you guys who are knowledgeable about American Flyer Trains, recommend some books to look at and where I might be able to pick them up? I'd really like to know if he happens to have some nice pieces or if he has stuff but it is of nothing of value except for sentimental value or reasons.
Thanks in advance for your help and answers.