Hello and thank you for allowing me join! My name is geno sharp. Im a retired deputy sheriff from talladega alabama. I am in the planning stages of building an O scale 2 rail switching layout. I hope to be able to share and learn from all the wonderful modelers on here!
Replies sorted oldest to newest
WELCOME from un-wonderful Joe from Pennsylvania.
Hi Genosharp, Judging from your avatar photo and your introductory message, it looks like you made it out of duty and into retirement perky and safe-and-sound. Good! Great! Lordknowz, the badguys are always lurking, so to have a law enforcement person joining our hobby and this forum seems, to me, to be a good and welcome occasion.
Indeed, have fun.
If you would like, at some point, to post a photo of the space/place you have in mind to mount a model train layout, you would likely get numerous first-replies. (We like photos.)
Uh Oh, there’s a new sheriff in town! Welcome, enjoy the show!!
I swear it wasn't me!
Welcome to the forum. Good stuff here.
Enjoy retirement, and your new layout. Welcome to the forum.
O scale 2 rail 44 yrs, BCoPD 25 years
Genosharp, welcome to the looney bin. I found the door to the O gauge world at 6yrs old and apparently there is no exit door. Thought I found the exit once, followed the light to the outside, but it just led to G gauge outdoors. You can never really leave.
Chris Sheldon
Geno, I know you from before... did you go back to O Scale again? If so, please stay in this scale...your ability to do detailed work and scenes fits it so well! Welcome back!
I'm a West Australian I'm safe.
Welcome to the forum mate. Roo.
Welcome aboard Geno. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome also from down under.
Running across the top of (most, if not all) forum pages, there is a blue rectangle with "MENU" on the left side. If you click on that rectangle, it will give you access to the forum "search" and "advanced search" features.
Many times you will be able to answer your questions using that option.
Welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard, Geno! Enjoy the ride!
Thank you all for the warm welcome!
Trinkle-Trains posted:Geno, I know you from before... did you go back to O Scale again? If so, please stay in this scale...your ability to do detailed work and scenes fits it so well! Welcome back!
hey rick! thank you sir! yes im back in O to stay
Welcome, Geno!!
Welcome, Geno, wishing you the best with your layout build...