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Hello and thank you for allowing me join! My name is geno sharp. Im a retired deputy sheriff from talladega alabama. I am in the planning stages of building an O scale 2 rail switching layout. I hope to be able to share and learn from all the wonderful modelers on here!

Last edited by genosharp
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Hi Genosharp, Judging from your avatar photo and your introductory message, it looks like you made it out of duty and into retirement perky and safe-and-sound. Good! Great! Lordknowz, the badguys are always lurking, so to have a law enforcement person joining our hobby and this forum seems, to me, to be a good and welcome occasion.

Indeed, have fun.

If you would like, at some point, to post a photo of the space/place you have in mind to mount a model train layout, you would likely get numerous first-replies. (We like photos.)


Last edited by Moonson

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