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I have a boxcar that needs a wheel truck replaced. I ordered a replacement truck which has arrived and, although it appears identical to the original, the threaded attachment point seems to be in the middle of the truck vs. the end of the truck  opposite the coupler. (see photo) The new truck is the 6-14078, whereas the trucks on the double door boxcar have attachment on the rear stalk.

Does anyone know what the part number is for the truck with the threading at the end of the truck?  I could not find it on Lionel's site.   ...or is there a way to thread this one and make it work?

(The boxcar is 6-27223)



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It looks like there’s enough meat on the ordered piece to tap out the hole. Check the size of the hole with a drill bit. You can find tap and drill charts on line. They usually show the correct numbered drill as well as the nearest fractional size. See what comes close and by a tap. A dood hardware store may have what you need. If not. A well stocked hobby store usually carries the Du bro line. A good pin vise is all that’s needed and some cutting oil. Diecast taps fairly easily.

For the life of me. I don’t know why you would make a chassis that wouldn’t accommodate the center hole of the truck. I’m guessing it’s to change the pivot point of a longer car to negotiate a tight curve. I believe the Standard O cars from years past did this.

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