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Greenberg is providing METCA with a free table at their Queens College show on Feb 9 and 10. This is a "promotional" table where we hand out info about TCA and METCA and answer peoples questions about the hobby and/or the club.   We have manpower to staff the table on Sunday the 10th, but we need help on Saturday the 9th. Bob Amling will be there part time, but he welcomes your help and comaraderie.

If you would like to help promote the Model Railroading Hobby, Promote TCA and METCA and are able to man the table for a portion of Saturday, come have fun with us at Queens College. It is reachable by both Automobile and public transportation.   If so, please let Stu Rankin , Bob Amling or myself now . We look forward to hearing from you.   

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