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Please help as my family has found our "lost" Lionel train & I cannot determine if this is an early Production 685 Loco with the  2046W Tender or later produced with the 6026W Tender. It's been missing since 1963, & finally found it tucked back on a shelf when remodeling the house. Problem is we cannot find the rest of the set so I thought I'd try to piece it together. My father purchased this from a local store at Christmas time in 1953.

608 01

685 03

685 04


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It looks to have the embossed side rods which would make it an earlier 1953 production. This would tend to favor it having the 2046 tender, but I'm not sure if that is definitive.


It's hard to pin it down since this engine was only produced in 1953 and the changes all came within the course of a short one year period.


I agree that the lettering looks to be the slightly more common heat stamped variety.




The 685 is a model of a mighty Santa Fe 3460-class Hudson. The first was the "Blue Goose," the only steamlined steam locomotive on the AT&SF. In 1954, Lionel renumbered them 665 and 2065 and placed an Elesco feedwater heater atop their smokebox fronts.


A 6046W tender is a better match for the real 3460-class tenders.

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