I finally got my 50 year collection of old and new trains into China and I made a train room out of five 45' x 9' high containers. 10 aluminum shelves around 146' of walls and I was ready to put up 200 sets, mostly Lionel. I did not plan any groupings. Just wanted them them on the wall and out of the way. To get rid of spare cars I just put them in sets, nobody here knows the difference. However, groupings began to appear somewhat by accident, than on purpose. Lots of "R's", repaints, restorations and reproductions.
Of course the Hudson's made a nice stack. Note the Wanamaker's charge plate in front of the 1946 2116 set.

The three 1946 2400 series sets should be together, but the 1946 "O" gauge 2100 675 set is somewhere else. 
And the articulateds, notice the 1947, 1434 2400 series set with the unpainted stack at the top of the picture.

MY prewar coal trains.
Of course, the post and prewar Madison sets. That black GG1 is so mint it has to be the greatest repaint ever, no way it can be original. 
The 259 group including my first train set, third from the bottom, Christmas 1938. 
The "Blues".

Late prewar tin passenger sets. 
In the two forward corners are my limited American Flyer and Marx sets. 
And some international sets, the Russian set is on the side wall.