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That is a good idea in theory, but Atlas scale couplers are garbage. They have to be slammed together to work. Not ideal for a switching layout, like I have planned. The new Kadees are fantastic looking and work beautifully. 

I have already added Kadees to two of these cars, but they didn't have the extended shock control draft gear. That turned into a project because the pre drilled holes for the Atlas couplers are just a hair off from the holes required for Kadees. Luckily I could use a family member's drill press to drill the metal frame. 

The Atlas 2 rail cars had an extended coupler mount box on them to simulate the shock control features, there should be a part # for these boxes [in stock is another matter] call or E mail Atlas, the newer metal couplers work reasonably well if you replace the knuckle and centering springs with KD springs.just saying!

Maritime Railfan posted:

I love those Spruce Falls cars! 

I have a 2 rail Evans boxcar with the extended coupler boxes and plastic couplers. I was thinking of taking it apart and installing Kadees. 

Hibar, have you tried your Atlas improvement method coupled to Kadee equipped cars? 

I am a 2 railer and all models are either KD or Atlas metal couplers all work well together especially using new small super magnets [see Keystone Eds posts on these magnets].JMO




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