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I recently had to reset my MTH TIU. In doing so I had to re-input my entire roster of MTH engines. My engines showed anywhere between 5 and 35 hours of service. I'm curious, how many hours of service do your engines have and has anyone ever exceeded 100 hours?

appreciate the feedback

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I service mine based on miles on the odometer- not hours.


You could have an engine from a collection that sat on powered sidings and never ran, or you could have an engine that was run on club nights on a huge track running high speed passenger service at say 75 scale MPH for 5 hours a night.

So one engine in 4 nights racked up 375 miles per night, total of 1500 miles that week, and the other zero. Both have 20 hours, which one might need service?

Last edited by Vernon Barry

Ones that I run regularly are serviced every 800 to 1000 or so scale miles which comes out to about 20 to 35 hours. Even this service interval is a bit more often than required. With today's lubricants, 100 hours is probably achievable.

As for the gearboxes, if you have a good grease in it they should go for a very long time.  The factory grease is decent but I always check to make sure they have enough in there, caught a new engine once where they forgot! I replace grease with Red'N'Tacky at some point in the life of the engine and will probably never need to do it again. These aren't high torque, temp, or stress situations, that grease is way overrated for this application.

Last edited by H1000

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