Sitting here this morning wondering how many locos folks have "lashed up" using either Lionel TMCC, Legacy or MTH DCS at one time?
I remember "way back in the day" at TAStudios we had 26 locos we had converted for one customer, mostly all diesels and we decided to lash them all up at one time. It was great, for about 18 inches! The problem was the power supply, the whole darn lash up started up and ran without a hitch, but there simply wasn't enough power to sustain the train for more than 18 inches!
Then back in 2008 at the LCCA convention in Buffalo, NY we stayed up late running trains with a modular group from Pittsburgh. We had 6 diesels on the head end, two in the middle and three on the end of a 90 some odd long train, so that was like 11 locos.
Curious if anyone else out there runs "excessive" lash ups with powered units? (Dummy / non powered units don't count!). Let's say more than 4 powered units?
(and of course, for the record its a multiple unit consist, not a lash up, but it is after all "Toy" trains!)