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For a while, I've listed a Lionel item on the want to buy forum and haven't been able to acquire it but I'm certain somewhere in this country a Lionel dealer has it.

Wouldn't it be great if Lionel, like MTH, had a search feature which would list dealers who have that particular item in stock.

I realize MTH's dealer product locator listing a dealer's in stock MTH inventory is voluntarily done by dealers and not all of them list their MTH inventory but at least MTH having some dealers who list their inventory is better than Lionel having their dealers list nothing!

Last edited by ogaugeguy
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Heck yes!  The dealer's initial stock should be set automatically when they receive shipment from the distributor.  All the dealer has to do is decrease their inventory level when they make a sale.

The traditional retailing model is rapidly becoming extinct.  Product cycles are shorter than ever, and with internet sales the norm, most brick-and-mortar stores are unwilling to carry a large inventory.  I have other specialized hobbies, and it's often difficult to find "in stock" items or dealers with a specific product.  A system like the MTH Product Locator should be de rigeur, IMO.

I agree. However, in recent years I have run into dealers who do not update their inventory when items leave their store.  In this case all that is lost though is a bit of wasted time a and a few minutes of false hope.  The MTH system is an excellent tool.

This ties into another thread about MTH's contribution to the hobby.  MTH made product info, catalogs, availability, warranty registration all easily obtainable.  

Last edited by VistaDomeScott
VistaDomeScott posted:

This ties into another thread about MTH's contribution to the hobby.  MTH made product info, catalogs, availability, warranty registration all easily obtainable.  

The area that MTH needs to work on it parts and maintenance documentation!  Most of the Lionel stuff has a detailed parts listing on-line, most of the MTH products do not.  It's pretty easy to order what you need for repairs from Lionel, it's a challenge to find the part number of what you want from MTH.

Grampstrains posted:

Part of the fun of collecting trains is the hunt.  Sometimes after I have bought an item I have spent years looking for, I will turn around and sell it.  The hunt was more enjoyable  than the train.

I am exactly the opposite. The more time, energy, and waiting I put into getting a car or locomotive the more I want to keep it. For me, sometimes it is the spur of the moment purchases that get sold or a train that I lost interest in, but to each his own. As long as you’re having fun it doesn’t matter. 

Last edited by Hudson J1e
gunrunnerjohn posted:
VistaDomeScott posted:

This ties into another thread about MTH's contribution to the hobby.  MTH made product info, catalogs, availability, warranty registration all easily obtainable.  

The area that MTH needs to work on it parts and maintenance documentation!  Most of the Lionel stuff has a detailed parts listing on-line, most of the MTH products do not.  It's pretty easy to order what you need for repairs from Lionel, it's a challenge to find the part number of what you want from MTH.

I would venture a guess, GRJ, that Lionel has developed an on-line detailed parts listing out of necessity - to counter balance the difficult situation people & service techs encounter from Lionel's dismal quality control issues while on the other hand, MTH, has no urgent need for such a detailed consumer repair  parts listing due to far fewer cq issues.

"I would venture a guess, GRJ, that Lionel has developed an on-line detailed parts listing out of necessity - to counter balance the difficult situation people & service techs encounter from Lionel's dismal quality control issues while on the other hand, MTH, has no urgent need for such a detailed consumer repair  parts listing due to far fewer cq issues."

I would venture a guess that you haven't been in the hobby very long.  No offense, but  this is almost totally without factual basis.  Been reading another forum and its disgruntled curmudgeons perhaps? 

Facts: Lionel has had its parts inventory on line for many years.  MTH's problems with parts availability has been off and on for years.  MTH has had a dealer inventory on line for years, Lionel never has.  Matters to some and not others.

The notion that MTH has had no quality issues, and Lionel's products are universally defective is promulgated by a few deeply dissatisfied and prolific individuals, not representative of most people's experience.  Passing this continual and disproportionate dissatisfaction of a few off as reality serves the hobby poorly when such comments discourage hobbyists for no sound reasons. 

Lemons happen to everyone, including MTH.  It's how the company deals with the problems that inevitably occur that make the customer experience good or bad.  If Lionel has had more than a few problems it's because they are essentially the only company doing new tooling and innovating, with such things as state-side production, LC/LC+, steam locomotive features, etc.  Bound to be some teething problems.  Every company, from Atlas to 3rd Rail to K-Line to MTH, as well as Lionel has had their screwups.  MTH, to their credit, has stuck with what they do well, and continued to do it for some years with no changes to speak of other than the WIU.  That's what happens when the market is overall shrinking for everything but starter sets.

ogaugeguy posted:

I would venture a guess, GRJ, that Lionel has developed an on-line detailed parts listing out of necessity - to counter balance the difficult situation people & service techs encounter from Lionel's dismal quality control issues while on the other hand, MTH, has no urgent need for such a detailed consumer repair  parts listing due to far fewer cq issues.

Au Contraire!  Lionel has had parts on-line forever, and I spend a LOT more time looking for MTH parts because they don't have them on-line. 

Contrary to your contention, I actually run across quite a few parts that I need from MTH.  Since there is no reference to many parts is accessible to dealers or end users, it's frequently difficult and time consuming to find them!  While you can argue that Lionel has had a few clinkers lately, I still need plenty of MTH parts.  I have a major issue finding part numbers of something I haven't already bought and have a record of.

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