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TCA Southern Division supports a layout at a children's museum.  We received a donation of a LionChief engine.  This requires that the people at the museum must keep batteries in the remote and turn the remote on and off each day. They don't do this well. Is there a way to defeat the remote and just have the engine running forward under conventional control?

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The LionChief circuitry can be disconnected, left in place or removed, and substituted with a 3-6 amp full wave bridge rectifier wired directly to the motor for one-way conventional operation. Cost is about $2. It's completely reversible if desired.

From what I have seen of LionChief locomotives, regular lubrication with good synthetics is important for display-duty operations.

Bart1 posted:
H1000 posted:
Bart1 posted:

Not sure if running on a :transformer" but why not set LionChief engine to "transformer/conventional and operate from  the power source.



Only Lionchief+ engines have this feature.

I do have a "lionchief" engine and it to does have this option.


I have about 7 Lionchief engines that were built in years between 2013 and 2017. None of them have this option. I do have one LC+ built in 2015 that does have the option for conventional transformer control.

Which set do you have that has the switch for conventional transformer control?

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