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On the 1032 transformer remove the two handles by lifting them straight up.  Remove the four terminal nuts.  Then remove the four screws. The case will lift straight up.  The cord connection is under the contact plate.  You should be able to see it.  Depending on if you think you have adequate access, you can solder on the new wire, or If it looks like the access is to tight, unbend the four tabs and lift the contact plate being careful not to damage all the wires that remain connected.  Just tip the contact plate out of the way and solder on the new cord.  There needs to be a knot in the cord that will prevent someone from pulling on the cord and over stressing the soldered connection.  Bend the tabs as little as possible to remove the contact plate and reinstall the contact plate.  This is to avoid breaking the tabs off.    Reverse the process to reassemble. Be sure the transformer is unplugged during the entire process.

I am not familiar with the 1026 transformer and cannot advice how to change that cord.

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