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It's always nice to feel like you get something out of nothing........... even if that nothing is really "a little something".


In this video I make realistic vines and bushes from furnace filters and ground foam - surely a real budget project.


On my YouTube channel, enjoy! 


Last edited by Joey_Ricard
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Very nice!  A 'keeper' technique, for sure!


Comments re video...


1) I knew you'd be in trouble with the frau when I saw your in-basket on the desk next to the computer.


2) Re 'fluffing' the filter...  Per the dictionary:

    Tussel:  1 : a physical contest or struggle : scuffle 2 : an intense argument, controversy, or struggle

    Tousle:   1. to tangle, ruffle, or disarrange: 2. to treat roughly


        ....if your filter fabric is putting up a fight when you poke at it, try stomping on it a few times, first!  Show it who's boss!!! 


(.......I have no suggestions re the same regarding spousal relationships.   You know, the 'guy'-thing.)


Keep 'em coming!  I may be able to afford this hobby, yet!!!



Yep, I have tried and used everything known to man in all the years I have been doing this. Spray adhesive would not work for this -  on top of the ground foam that is.


I do use spray adhesive when I am making deciduous trees, but only where I use it initially to glue the filter to branches and then paint all black - I then use the hairspray for the ground foam.


Spray adhesive in this case? That would not work, at least not the kind of 3M spray I think you are talking about. Have fun experimenting though, that is part of the fun.

Joey....I want to thank you for these great videos.  I have learned a lot...AND...I also want to thank you for starting out the video by encouraging folks to check out forum sponsors to see what they have available for their needs! 


All in all, a very informative, educational, and inspiring video!!


Thanks Joey!



Great video!  I love this technique too.  I like the way you can see the branch structure under the foliage.  I bought a 20' roll of filter material 20 years ago and often make big batches of it to cover all those little areas that seem to need some extra texture on my layout. I'm lucky enough to be married to a teacher also.  






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Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:

Do you use matt medium or anything to permanently attach it to the layout? Or the hairspray holds it well enough?

If the layout or modeled area is permanent, I find the hairspray to be enough.


Because my Spruce layout is a portable and I take it in the trailer to the shows (plus vines on the hillside), I do use white glue gobs underneath to make sure it doesn't come loose. In the video on Steve's layout however, we did not use glue underneath.


Hey Mark, that looks great and I see you are hauling recycle material.



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