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I have a 3-rail layout and I am using NCE DCC hardware (AIU01) to detect the location of my trains and rolling stock. The layout is divided into blocks, with one of the isolated outside rails connected to the NCE AIU01 to detect the presence of a train. The string of AIU01 are connected to the command station CS02. I am using Traincontroller gold as the operating software to control the DCC part of the system.


My question is how can I use the track location detection system used in the Traincontroller computer software to also control trackside signals. The Traincontroller software shows what blocks are occupied. I do not know how to get this "knowledge" back to a trackside signal, so it will show green, yellow or red based on the traincontroller occupancy rules.


I have seen 2-rail layouts running DCC with signals, I just can't find anywhere that explains how this works, when you have a computer running the layout. the Traincontroller software does not give any specifics as to how to take the input information from the AIU01 and get it back to a trackside signal stand.


Thanks in advance for any help, or how to get practical information on how to wire and control my layout for trackside signals run from the computer software.


Joe K

Original Post

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I can give you a description of one version of 2 rail signaling, but have no idea if it is adaptable to your computer control:


the detection circuit triggers the signal aspect, which is powered through a separate source from the track. the detection circuit is also daisy-chained to the next block and so on, so that you can go from clear to stop to restricted over 3 blocks. our preferred detection circuit uses a torx sensor which looks like a donut on the circuit board. the track power  feed is looped through the torx and detects current when drawn, triggering the signal aspect.


Joe K,

Unfortunately, until NCE releases their SIG12 signal driver board (see link below), then you are kinda hung out to dry on this one.  Basically, what you need is signal driver board that resides on the NCE throttle bus to turn output commands from the computer software =>NCE command station=>signal head operation, a.k.a. the NCE SIG12 board.


If you see other DCC layouts with signals, they may be using some other vendor's DCC system, such as Digitrax, which produces a signal driver board for their LocoNet bus.  Or, these other layoust could be using another system entirely to detect the trains and update the signals, such as Bruce Chubb's C/MRI and using the DCC system just to run the trains.  JMRI software supports Bruce Chubb's system, so you don't need to know how to write code like you did in the past but if you decide to use the Chubb system, your AIUs cannot be reused.  However, you may be able to use some type of intermediary circuitry to get your current occupancy detectors to work with Chubb's input board (which would take the place of the NCE AIU).   Otherwise, you can use Chubb's DCCOD occupancy detectors or an NCE BD20 (both will directly interface into the C/MRI) input board.


Scott Kurzawski

Austin, TX

Hi Joe,


As Scott mentioned, the natural fit for your system would be the NCE Sig12.  Unfortunately, NCE has yet to produce the Sig12 at least six years after first announcing it.  The best fit of the available products is the Custom Signals / Atlas signal system.  The same detection you are using for track occupancy can be used with the CS/Atlas circuit boards.  Overall the CS/Atlas system is an excellent value just for the signals themselves and even more so when you consider that the logic boards are included.


The CS/Atlas system provides built in automatic block signaling (ABS).  If you want to implement CTC, the circuit boards have over-ride inputs for the yellow and red aspects.  You can program Train Controller to trigger these outputs via your MTH AIU accessory ports.  Simply select the block on the switchboard in edit mode.  Click on the "Block Editor" tab and then double click on the block signal.  This will open a properties window for the signal.  From there you can program two accessory outputs to control all three aspects of each CTC signal.

Hi Dave:


So this means that for each block that I want controlled by CTC signals, I will need 2 MTH AIU accessory ports. Is that correct? In my case, I will run out of available AIU accessory ports, so a 2nd TIU would be required.


If I choose to simply use the ABS system, the signals can run off the NCE AIU01 for detection, connected to the Atlas logic boards. In my case I may have 3, 6 or up to 8 NCE AIU01 track detection connections to cover a single block signal on the layout. Could multiple NCE AIU inputs be connected to the same Atlas ciruit board so if the train triggers any of the detection circuits, the signal will turn the signal light from green to red? My understanding is that these signals in the ABS mode would work independent of the Traincontroller program.


If operating the ABS method is possible, then I could start with this until NCE comes out with their board (which after 6 years could be never).


thanks: JK


Even though NCE has not come out with their signal driver yet, they really are not to blame, so to speak...  It is more of situation of circumstances.  I believe NCE is waiting on what comes from the NMRA in the form of the new NMRAnet specification currently being developed by the NMRA (a NMRA Layout Control Bus standard that can be used for wayside signaliing, grade crossing flashers, animation, etc).  The NMRAnet is based on CANbus design, which has been commonly used in the automotive industry for many years to contol and monitor devices connected to the automobile's main computer, such as power windows, door locks, interor/exterior lighting. etc.  In this case, it makes good business sense for NCE to probably wait on the official NMRAnet specification to be released rather than releasing and supporting a product that may be best served by a NMRAnet-based product.  Releasing another proprietary product into a relatively small market segment of the overall model railroading industry marketplace may make that product more of drag on the bottom line than a money maker. 
Scott  K.
Originally Posted by Joe K:

Hi Dave:


So this means that for each block that I want controlled by CTC signals, I will need 2 MTH AIU accessory ports. Is that correct? In my case, I will run out of available AIU accessory ports, so a 2nd TIU would be required.


If I choose to simply use the ABS system, the signals can run off the NCE AIU01 for detection, connected to the Atlas logic boards. In my case I may have 3, 6 or up to 8 NCE AIU01 track detection connections to cover a single block signal on the layout. Could multiple NCE AIU inputs be connected to the same Atlas ciruit board so if the train triggers any of the detection circuits, the signal will turn the signal light from green to red? My understanding is that these signals in the ABS mode would work independent of the Traincontroller program.


If operating the ABS method is possible, then I could start with this until NCE comes out with their board (which after 6 years could be never).


thanks: JK



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