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Hi Everyone,


One of my Atlas switch track motors (attached to the track within the brown plastic housing) somehow

the rod that slides in an out seems frozen. What I mean is, it will not slide in and out when you try to manually

switch the track. I will say that I have had some headache's with the switch tracks out of the box when I first started

during the summer. I mean the at least 5 out of 15 came out of their boxes with the springs in the housing unit were disconnected. Anyway, if I replace just the above motor, how is it reconnected. There seems to be 3 wires from the coil

of the motor connected near the 3 connecting screws. Also, i ma trying to connect these to an MTH AIU unit.


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You might want to open up the switch motor to see what the problem is. The throw mechanism might have just come out of the slot.  Also, I would recommend using the Atlas Switch Board to control them. It prevents the coils from overheating and also provides power passing to the cross rails which solves a lot of problems.  

Hi Mike and Don,


I spoke with a tech at Atlas this morning, hi stake is that I guess from the mth aiu connection at least the one were the rod is jammed, may have overheated in the switching process. Anyhow, he said to remove the housings of the 2 and return then to him and he will replace them. Any idea as to the cost if I had to but them?

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