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First, is it the Rust, Silver, or Black one?

We have left out the center pier as it just doesn't seem right to have a pier under the arch center, and used a black wash on the end two. Made a few spots where there might be a small bit of weeds, small surface crack lines, and sadly graffiti if you model current. On the bridge we used dust as dirt and then some downward streaks of rust, (think the silver would be the easiest to overdo the rust weathering on, the black one the dirt) and exhaust marks down the center. Most heavily used bridges around here the railroads seem to take pretty good care of with regular maintenance and paint.

The bridge is smooth plastic so I don't think a wash would work. When I did mine, I gave it a good spray of dull cote and used acrylic paints (burnt umber, raw umber, dark sienna) and weathering powders. 



For the piers I used olive green spray paint covered with black weathering powder.  I took the rough side of a scotch brite pad and lightly scrubbed the rocks to wear away the paint and reveal some of the original gray underneath.  Then I took an x-acto blade and scored along the mortar lines to highlight them a bit.  The top and bottom were hit with textured spray paint and weathering powders.  Finished it off with some rust streaks. 


Hope that helps!


Images (3)
  • _Bridge09
  • _Bridge12
  • _WeatheredSupport03

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