I had read the DCS guide extensively and rewired an old layout with the star wiring, insulated between blocks and other details as listed in the book and replaced the DCS TIU with the best version for signals. And am at the 4.2 version of DCS.
In the end the signal was not much better then before I had redone the whole wiring thing and replaced the TIU.
Much of the layout has track signals of 3-4 and quite frankly I had not run this part of the layout for some time with the problems and some renovations.
I am now back at it trying to resolve the issues wanting to be able to have the TIU find engines and not get the engine not found signal when it is sitting plainly on the track where there is good power on the rails.
I re read the book and it says that turnout motors should not be run from track power.
The ? is I have several of the DZ switch machines wired for the non derail feature on Ross and Gargraves turnouts.
How can I wire them so the no derailing feature still works but not wire them to interfere with the DCS Signal if this is the case.
I like to run long trains with distributed power front/mid/rear engines and if 1 engine misses a signal in a lashup it messes everything up with disastrous derails.