BillyJack, sorry to hear about your troubles with your new Berk? Did things get resolved to your satisfaction? Why does it strike me that buying FC (or MTH S for that matter from what I've observed and heard) is like the Russian roulette scene in Deer Hunter -- chances are you'll get one that works and stays working, one that works but maybe not for long, or one with issues or DOA out of the box. What else do you spend $100's for today knowing and accepting to be put in that situation? A TV, a phone, a fishing rod, a bicycle ...? I realize products aren't perfect, have problems, and there are lemons, but thi-S seems to be beyond normal distribution and yet we keep coming back. Is there simply something psychologically rewarding for us about asking for, waiting for, paying for, taking possession of, and opening a new engine? Maybe they know that, and that the final outcome of it working like it should and remaining that way for awhile is not critical to the process repeating itself (i.e. our appetite/addiction continuing). I sometimes get the hankering for a FC Berk or Northern, and the RDG GP-7 has caught my eye, but then I look at what I already have and know runs well and think, really, do I want to pull the trigger and see how lucky I might be, or not?