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Using TIU and remote to run HO layout. All engines will load and run. Lash ups work. 19v out of trans and at farthest part of track. DC currant. Load engine with no other eng. on track. works fine. Turn power off. Turn power back on and try to restart eng. engine not on track, out of RF range. Have tested 4 engines and all the same. I did post on the HO forum and was was told to try here. The TIU I am using is REV-L. I have gone over the wiring and found nothing wrong. (as far as I can see) Again, they run when first loaded and then when power is taken away from TIU, they can't be found. Alot of money invested and spending more on tylenol.

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There is an association with the TIU too.  The engine has to have the address also.  Problem is the remote sends that address to the engine but if the engine did not save data, the correct address no longer is available.  Usually this problem is related to engine.  Not sure why 4 of his trains have issues though.  Especially with them playing shutdown sounds.  May be best to call MTH on this one.  I would try a remote and TIU reset first.  Readd and see if they work.  Is the TIU address staying constant?  1 flash of the Red LED for ID #1.   G

Last edited by GGG

In normal mode engine are associated with the tiu they've been added to.  The "read" is king of association and can move the  engine / tiu association from one tiu to another in normal mode.  

Having said that...  we only have one tiu here  in normal mode  . I usually shut down  the engine with the remote and then turn off track power.

It seems odd that 4 engines would behave the same way.... Just for fun and it's easy I would slip the tiu into super mode .

Menu/system/ tiuset up/ Super tiu/   select SPR.

Does the read find tiu#1?


Shutting down the loco is required in order for it to save the address after being added

That's incorrect.

What triggers saving of a changed DCS ID# (and a variety of other changed settings) is not a Shutdown command, rather, it's the removal of track power.

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John Y. posted:

ok guys,  The shut down is the proper way,  bring eng. to idle, press shut down, wait till all sound and lights are off. turn hand held off and then turn power off. 

Not really..i shut down 15 engines at once by shutting down TIU which also removes track power, then i power down my 2 remotes. I never use (6) shut down button. Next session everybody remembers who they were.


ok guys,  The shut down is the proper way,  bring eng. to idle, press shut down, wait till all sound and lights are off. turn hand held off and then turn power off. 

Sorry, that's not "OK". One more time:

The Shut Down command does not do anything at all as regards saving any settings.

Further, it makes absolutely no difference whether the TIU or the remote is turned off first or last. As far as DCS is concerned, if you wanted to, and I'm not recommending that you do so, you could have everything running and just pull the plug for the layout out of the wall. All changed settings would be saved or not, depending solely upon the strength of each DCS engine's battery.

What causes the engine to save its settings (as long as it's battery/Supercapacitor is strong enough) is turning off track power.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

Good morning to all:  
     This is a good learning experience for me if not for all who are trying to help me. And I do appreaciate the suggestions and help from all. Barry is right if you think about it. When you hit the E stop all is killed . So it's like pulling the plug. But my problem is still when I re set the system, all engines are showing but only the NEW Haven lash up is remembered and will start and run. Nothing else will start . If you recall, I stated the two  NH were sent back and new super caps were installed. Could this be that I have bad caps in all other engines??  Did MTH have a run with bad caps???  As far as shutting down, I was taught that way so I am glad to  know it can be accomplished in diff. ways.  Thanks Barry.   But I am still not solving my problem. I am hoping the TEC's hang  in there with me to get this solved and fixed. You to Barry.  By the way, my computer in the train room crashed last night. This has been and expensive week for me.    Thanks again to AII.

I just read some online reviews about those Tech 7's and they don't sound like very good DC power supply to be using with DCS. They chop the sinewave pretty bad at the lower track voltages to send out a AC pulse signal down the rail to make DC motors run smoother. Poor PS3 decoder would look at that like it's DCC and get confused.

Probably why MTH doesn't list them as a compatible transformer/ power supply.

I'd try a few things first being power everything up...and stay away from the low voltage circuit that thing puts out...that is when you turn it on have it at full track power setting. Cut the power the same way...that's where a power strip come in handy.

Second is wire the TIU in passive mode to keep that dirty sinewave out of the TIU and still power up and down the same just may help.

If your handy could always wire in a big bridge rectifier across that Tech 7 outputs to clean up the AC. 

I use Bridgewerks DC power supplies and have never had any problems.

Here's one article I read...

Regardless of transformer, he say  they load and operate fine with DCS.  He also stated engine play shut down sounds when power removed.  So with those facts it doesn't make sense that 4 engines not remembering address settings.  Unless the shutdown is not complete and abbreviated therefore settings not completed and retained.  I have seen that in O gauge. 

I guess he could take engine to a layout where other engines work, and test each one of his separately to determine they work.  Or change power supplies.

But either way this is baffling.  I would call MTH and get one of the more experienced HO techs and see what they say.   G

TO GGG: I think my nest move is build another stretch of track and use my original TIU and another transformer and test the engines for memory first and then see if I can load the second engine with out losing the first. I take it, and I have heard both ways, #1 you must take the other engines off the track to load a new one. #2 That is not necessary. You can load a new or reload with the other engines on the track. Make no sense to me doing #1. because if the first engine is 0001 and the new one is 5430, the hand held should recognize that 0001 is already loaded and 5430 is the new one. 
AM I CORRECT IN THIS THINKING??    Thanks to all again. As you can see, NO TRAINS and don't count that Dummy 

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