This is a topic I started in the 3 rail board. I am feeling horrible. Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated!
Ok, as the title states yes i am an idiot. I just purchased a new locomotive. A brand new out of the box no issues MTH-Railking 30-20172-1 Union Pacific ES44AC engine. The thing is sweet. The colors, the American flag, EVERYTHING-until I had to mess it all up. Now my issues with my MTH heritage train was beyond me! That came all messed up. This engine had 0.0 on the odometer. Let me tell you what i did. Since I am still rather new to DCS i was moving the engine around. I was getting a feel for it on my layout. It was going around the 0-31 turns with no issues! It was really an awesome moment for me. Until i had to play with the DCS! Whatever i did made the train accelerate had a high speed and go around the turn and jump the track! Okay no problem(this is something that i have no idea what i did). So i reset everything and put it back on the track, okay? So now i run the locomotive and i go slow, careful not too do what ever i did before. I get it to 1 smph. it starts to move slowly and sounds like it is not grasping the track and then all of the sudden the locomotive races around the track screams into the turn and falls on the floor. It lands like i cat on the trucks and upright. (I have a carpeted floor) So now every time i put the locomotive back on the track it does the same thing. I accelerate to 1 it jumps and as soon as i go back too 0 it stops dead in its tracks. I have reset the locomotive to factory settings and the same thing happens. The engine has been out of the box a half hour and i have done this! I am so upset! Any clue on what I did? Or did i mess this up and have to send it to MTH for repairs? Once again I know I am an idiot! This now makes it two engines that are now being repaired. Thank you for letting me ramble and vent.