Your replies have certainly made for an interesting and imaginative read, for me. Thank you, all! Your suggestions, explanations, and names have stimulated my imagination for numerous future projects, in addition to helping me purose this one. Even the couple of quirky ideas, like barrels of monkeys and cheesey fingers, became part of the fun. In fact, I may be inviting your input on another thread like this one, sometime soon, if you like, and would welcome such.
Though I liked this kit enough to buy it, its lack of windows stumped me, once the finished structure stood in front of me. Yet, I figured ideas would come. They did not, beyond adding the enclosure and its symbolic contents. Eventually, I decided upon the name, "2nd Amendment, Guns and Amunition" but somehow didn't quite get motivated enough to make the sign. And I wasn't sure how the barrels and couple of crates fit that scenario.
I don't always start w/an idea and craft a building or scene to express those thoughts, as many modelers and layout owners likely do. Sometimes, I do the reverse. That is, I maintain and develop an ever-changing inventory ("Throw nothing away" is my motto) of ingredients; then, certain of those elements become associated in my mind as ways to express scenes I have seen in real life, esp.when touring throughout NY and Pennsylvania, as well as during a recent drive to Kansas to help craft a new client's layout.
The suggestions I am leaning the most toward are those by Alan Graziano, for making the vignette as a subterminal part of a larger complex, and Fisch's expanded storage facility, using it as part of an existing larger business; Alan (leavingtracks) barrel-making business; PassengerTrainCollector's chem lab; Scott's plumbing supply; electroliner's tanning co. (I made one of those, once and enjoyed it); QuickCasey's pickles idea has me thinking of further possibilities; NYCFan's idea inspires an expansion of the site; ReadingFan's "Brine Beer..." gives me ideas, too.
They're all such good ideas! You've given me a head filling with creative possibilites. Your collective kindness is making ideas leak out of my ears! However, I'd better shut-up, now; this response is getting to be a book! Thanks again, all of you. This was fun and is going to continue to be so for quite some time as I sketch out new projects, thanks to you. FrankM