I have a 30-1287-1 UP Bigboy that somehow/somewhere stopped working. When I examined the PS2 board in the tender, I smelled cooked/shorted components. I acquired a donor engine 30-1309-1 and took its PS2 board and replaced it in the 30-1287-1. I then powered up the 30-1287-1, added the engine to my DCS system, did an engine reset, changed its name to UP 4017, and used the DCS loader to load the 5v 30-1287-1 sound file. I then checked the levels of the whistle/bell, set the chuff rate to 4 and the engine starts up fine, has all the engine sounds while in neutral, lights are on, it smokes fine and I can toggle the smoke too, and it also shuts down fine. So here is the problem:
Under DCS control, when I move the speed setting up to 1MPH, the engine moves off pretty fast and does not chuff. It does respond to the DIR button and will also run in reverse but even at 1MPH it still runs pretty fast with no chuffing.
Any thoughts/ideas as to what may be the problem?
Thanks in advance!