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I own two Lionel IR detectors and two of the MTH ones. On a previous layout the Lionel ones worked great and spanned two tracks. I have no experience with the MTH ones. I am getting ready to animate a grande crossing.

One IR detector will span 2 tracks and is covering about 8-9” of distance. I am not worried about the 8-9” in the 1st picture. The other IR detector will cover 3 tracks and needs to cover about 15” of distance. Does anyone have experience with that kind of distance. Ultimately, I may just put together a practice board and see what happens… they do with the distance and which brand works better.


No ballasting will be done in these areas until I settle on which detector and wire it up.

Thank you, in advance, for any thoughts.



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Last edited by Putnam Division
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Peter, I have spanned about 18" of distance with IR detectors, however, I have not used the Lionel or MTH ones. I have quite a few from Azatrax. They have worked well for me and are easy to hide in adjacent building walls or even tree stumps, dwarf signals, bungalows. I will post a link, if I am allowed. If it gets taken down, I will send to your email.

I use the MRD1-NV because I don't need variable timing, however, it is a nice option. IR detectors and emitters are included with the board. Good Luck!


I have no experience with Azatrack detectors, but those distances are pushing your luck with IR detection IMO. Different colored rolling stock, different lighting conditions, different shaped cars all create too many variables.

I have been using ultrasonic HC-SR04 detection with very good success on my layout for the last couple of years. It is very precisely adjustable as to detection distance span, up to about 1 meter. And it does not care about color or shape of object. It even works on unibody tank cars where IR fails miserably in my experience.

The subject was covered here in great detail by Stan2004 and gunrunnerjohn as well as others. Just search HC-SR04.


Here's another vote for the Azatrax detectors.  They work great.   • Across-track sensing can cover a longer stretch of track when the IR LED and its receiver are placed at an angle across the track. The shallower the angle, the longer the length of covered track. The IR LED can be as far as 18 inches (45cm) from its receiver when used in across-track configuration.

@walt rapp posted:

What happened to addressing @Putnam Division's original question.  He has 4 detectors already and is asking for performance on THEM, not asking what he should buy.

- walt

Actually he was asking if the ones he has would work at the distance he wants to use them. Most believe they would not or at least not very well as they were designed to detect objects only a few inches away, not the next zip code.


I shouldn't have tried to speak for him.  Sorry that I did.  But you are right and I missed that part of his post - he asked for comments about 'that distance'.  I made the assumption that he meant "distances with those 2 types of IR devices."  We all know the adage about assumptions.  Proven right again.

I apologize for me comments.


Last edited by walt rapp

Sorry it took so long to weigh in…….no worries Walt………I’m going to make a “test board” with the two units and vary track distance……if I don’t like what I find, I’ll consider the other techniques that I’ve heard about.

I get a lot of sun through the dormers and I’ll place the test board in direct sunlight and see if it screws things up. I will then upgrade the thread.

It will be a little while before I get to it…….My son and I are on a 10 day tour of the World War I&II battlefields (+ Waterloo because we are driving past it). To keep this “train-related”, this is day 1 in Paris and a picture of the Paris subway…..




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Thank you Peter. I made the assumption that you wanted to know more about the performance ability of the products that you owned. Even at that I shouldn’t have tried to speak for you.

as you are I’ve been on this form for a really long time. I at times get frustrated that someone wants to know about a product that they want to buy or they already own and there’s good advice about other products but that’s not what the poster wanted to know. That’s where I came from here

@walt rapp posted:

Thank you Peter. I made the assumption that you wanted to know more about the performance ability of the products that you owned. Even at that I shouldn’t have tried to speak for you.

as you are I’ve been on this form for a really long time. I at times get frustrated that someone wants to know about a product that they want to buy or they already own and there’s good advice about other products but that’s not what the poster wanted to know. That’s where I came from here

No worries…….


I finally got around to addressing my IR detector issue……..I made up a test board, testing whether an 8” or a 16” gap would work.

I tried both the Lionel and MTH units.


The result…..4-5” is tops for both

I want to thank everyone for their participation and suggestions. I will look at all the options, likely even ask more questions, and come up with a plan…….



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Last edited by Putnam Division

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