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So George, your friends are saying that the purchase trains for an investment????


Just my opinion, but I could give a crap about "resale value"! I am a model railroader and I up-grade virtually ALL my equipment to Kadee couplers, plus I have everything weathered. So much for "resale value".


Also, you model in the photo looks great!

#1.. who cares what they say! Do you buy your trains for an investment? NO, or else you wouldn't run them. Leave them in a box to try to make $5 down the road if not lose $50.


# 2...I guarantee you, if and when you try to sell them, you won't have a problem selling a fixed pilot, Kadee converted 3 rail model. There are many people out there who can't or won't do the conversion themselves, but would buy them already done. 


#3...what hot Water said! I've never seen anyone convert them back. They are more unique as fixed pilots models.


So many people think you have to have a 3 rail scale layout to run fixed pilots and Kadee couplers. YOU DON"T. They run just as well on a Hi-Rail layout as long as you have large curves (072) or bigger. They just look better. All these companies have made the effort to create scale sized equipment, with scale sized detailing, but I've never seen a pilot that pivots on a real engine. I understand why they do, but at least MTH offers it both ways. Other than that, we must convert them ourselves. 

Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by suzukovich:

2 questions. How do you access the inside of the engine when you block the screws.

          How easy is it reconvert. 

Why would one WANT to "reconvert"?

Hot water it was just a question. Personally I like running Kadees on my cars. Just had not done anything with the engines. 


You Guys are right, iit's my trains and I run them not collect them.. At present I have the following locos to Convert to Fixed Pilots and Kadees.

MTH Wisc.Central SD40-2

Lionel NKP GP9 and a Alco RS11.

The sound out of the Lionel Legacy engines is super. The sound of the GP 9's NA 567 going thru 8 noches is something to hear.

Back to fixed pilots here is a picture of Hot Waters GP that I converted.

Rock Island GP


Images (1)
  • Rock Island GP
Originally Posted by Soo Nut:

I have several MTH premier diesel that I have fixed the pilot and installed Kadee couplers. some of my model railroad friends think i'm nuts for cheaping the resale value. Gents what is your thoughts on the subject. Picture of my Railking G.N. GP9.


What? I thought this would increase the value.

Sure looks great, can you show us the details?



If you are sure the item will be a collectors item then changing anything will decrease its value.  However, I line up with the majority here - enjoy your trains and invest in the stock market.


My 700 freight cars would be worth many times what they are now had I not insulated the wheelsets.  Don't care - I am not selling them, I am running them.  My new Lionel FEF is almost 2-railed, thus losing most of its value.  But what a magnificent model!

When I was in 7th grade, I started collecting Lionel.  I could buy cheap cars so I wasn't out much money and I weathered them, repainted them and kit bashed them.  Boy did I have fun and no one else had a train like I did.  When I joined TTOS the old timers were horrified. Funny thing was when I tried to sell my pristine cheapo cars they were worth less than what I bought them for.  My friend and I said the H@!! with it and continued buying O scale decals and making what we wanted.  I still have many of those cars and they have a whole lot more meaning to me and my own boys played with them for yrs before they started wanting scale trains.  So IMHO give your friends the rusty knuckle award for sticking their nose where it doesn't belong and continue to enjoy your trains.  You have a real talent for your conversions and to me they are worth more after your finished with them.  If I hadn't moved onto S scale I'd be doing it to my equipment to this day.  Keep up the good work.



Originally Posted by Soo Nut:AWWW your friends are right.When you die your kids or grand children will take SUCH a beating when they get rid of all your sh@# on Ebay.They are counting on that money for tattoos taco bell and new cell phones.

I have several MTH premier diesel that I have fixed the pilot and installed Kadee couplers. some of my model railroad friends think i'm nuts for cheaping the resale value. Gents what is your thoughts on the subject. Picture of my Railking G.N. GP9.



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