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I have a question (or request). I have an original 4 car Hiawatha set in never ran condition, but the rear trailing truck casting has crumbled. I would really like to have a replacement. I love the train. My wife and I went to Stout Auctions in the old days when Stout's did their auctions at the armory in Indianapolis, and before trains were available on the internet. My wife actually bid on it, and bought it for me as a surprise. She knew I wanted one, and Tony Hay and her discussed before the auction, without me knowing she was carrying cash. I have some very found memories of my wife's surprise train gifts over our marriage. The Pocahontas set is whole other story! Please let me know.


Yay! After a good bit of searching I found all of the parts I had for the 10,000 and the Hiawatha. i dont have anything for the Hiawatha locomotive or tender, just headend car, mid section car, vestibules and tail car.


For the 10.000 I have a lot towards a four unit set, but not enough of the body panels in the brown and yellow.


Son of Jad. What in particular should I give attention to in getting some photos to see if my stuff is re-pop or maybe original?

Originally Posted by 400Bill:


I have a question (or request). I have an original 4 car Hiawatha set in never ran condition, but the rear trailing truck casting has crumbled. I would really like to have a replacement. I love the train. My wife and I went to Stout Auctions in the old days when Stout's did their auctions at the armory in Indianapolis, and before trains were available on the internet. My wife actually bid on it, and bought it for me as a surprise. She knew I wanted one, and Tony Hay and her discussed before the auction, without me knowing she was carrying cash. I have some very found memories of my wife's surprise train gifts over our marriage. The Pocahontas set is whole other story! Please let me know.


Hi Bill, that is a great story, trains have a really romantic aspect to them and I am sure you were very happily surprised back then!

We are working on possibly producing something, still not sure what we are going to do, but will keep all posted via this thread.  Are you able to either post pictures of the damage here or send them directly to me, would like to take a look at them and know my Dad would.

We also have some Original marketing/promotion 'mini posters'.  I hate to use the word poster but they are approx 20" long and oh maybe 11" high, I am doing that by memory and can be quite off but they are really cool and an odd size.

I know owners would love to have one or two and next time I visit my Dad I will see about having some reproduced at Kinko's or sell some of the Original's, I have to check with my Father and will do that in the coming weeks.

I believe he also has articles written about the train and JAD in the TTOS and or TCA Quarterly's they used to produce in the 70's and if enough interest I can copy those at Kinko's possibly, again, up to my Dad.

That reminds me of a nice 8x10 color picture of the Hiawatha Engines in mid production, I may be getting ahead of myself, let me check what all he has and post it here and if there is some interest I can get them reproduced, but please allow me to talk with my Father first as well as post pictures of the materials I am referring to before we move forward with that.


Also, While my Dad does still have Factory Sealed boxes containing the Engine and Tender he will not sell any.  I have received some requests regarding that and all remaining inventory will be kept in the family, for my children and my Brother's children, I know it is not what some of you want to hear but I hope you can understand.


I will be back here soon, I just need to find some time to get to my Dad's house and take some pictures of the marketing materials and all of the above mentioned materials so until then please feel free to contact me and Please give my Dad a call directly, he would love to talk to you about JAD and the trains and has great stories of the TTOS and TCA from way back when and just loves to talk trains.  He is retired now and I think a little bored so do not hesitate to contact me and I will give you his number, I just do not wnat to post it here as there are people who scan message boards for any contact info and next thing you know my Dad is receiving calls about male enhancement procedures and pills so trust me, he would love to talk with a fellow enthusiast. 

I realize the following will be a little confusing but I have to do it in this manner so that the bots that scan message boards for email addresses and phone numbers do not recognize the below as an email address.

You can contact me at sean.seafood and then after the 'd' in seafood put the symbol that is above the '2' on your keyboard (@), if you press the SHIFT Key and press '2' you get the @ symbol which is used for ALL Email addresses and then put yahoo and after the 'o' in Yahoo put a period and then you enter com.  my First name is sean so my email address will look like this: my fist  **** this looks confusing as **** but those **** spambots will get a hold of it and tomorrow my inbox will be full of ads for little blue pills and so on.


If this is too confusing then post here on the board but if you understand what I wrote and can decipher my email address from the above please put JAD Hiawatha in the Subject Line.


Thank you for your interest in JAD


Originally Posted by mdainsd:

Email sent. Your instructions were clear enough 

Hi mdainsd, I am glad you notified me that your email was sent.  I didn't see it in my Inbox and went to my Spam Box and there it was, right along with other messages from members regarding JAD, have no idea why Yahoo would consider JAD as spam, anyway, now I know and apologize to those who have sent me a message and have not received a reply yet, I will try and catch up today or tomorrow at the latest.


Again, thanks for your interest in JAD.



Those are all the JAD sets.


Hiawatha loco (1974), 3-car set (1976), extra car "Diner" available also.

Rail Chief cars (1978)

M-10,000 streamliner (1980)



You can read more about it in the article I wrote for the Train Collectors Quarterly entitled "Streamlining in Standard Gauge". It appears in the July 2010 issue (vol.56, No. 3)


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