Does anyone know if Jerry Snow is still in business as Accurate O scale? His website doesn't respond and the phone number doesn't work. I have one of his rivet embossing machines that I want to sell and I wanted to check current prices.
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Let me know how much you're asking for it ,I might be interested.
The suggested retail price listed on the instructions is $339.00. I bought two additional punch/die sets with it and don't recall what i paid for those. I probably have at lest 350.00 invested. I'd like to get $275 for it plus the shipping cost. This was considered to be the "Rolls Royce" of rivet making tools and it has worked very well for me. I'm no longer doing commission models and now have no further use for it. The machine is still in perfect working condition. The sizes of the three punch/die sets with it are .015, .020, & .025.
John I will take it for 275.00 + shp send every thing you have to a 97203 zip . Advise payment method that works for you. You can text me via 503 443 5230.
Bill Basden
Jerry Snow rivet embossing machine: USPS Priority mail 2 day estimate: 42.35. (package weight 10.5 lbs) Add another 10.00 for cost of box and insurance. So 275.00 + 52.35 = $327. 35. I prefer payment by bank check or USPS money order. My mailing address is 7672 Crystal Cove Pointe, Maineville, Ohio 45039. I will need your mailing address to ship.
John Fryant posted:Jerry Snow rivet embossing machine: USPS Priority mail 2 day estimate: 42.35. (package weight 10.5 lbs) Add another 10.00 for cost of box and insurance. So 275.00 + 52.35 = $327. 35. I prefer payment by bank check or USPS money order. My mailing address is 7672 Crystal Cove Pointe, Maineville, Ohio 45039. I will need your mailing address to ship.
John Here is my mailing address::
Bill Basden
7032 N Seneca Street
Portland, Oregon 97203
I will send bank check Saturday 6/16/18
John Payment has been sent.via check.
John item received today. thanks very much for the smooth transaction.
Bill B