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Sad news in O scale today. Joe was the main reason I took the challenge to build my own 3 bay firehouse from scratch. I feel lost right now, his last observations column the last paragraph: "And that's an area where the magazine can help. We're here to encourage people to build from scrtach and to kit bash". Joe gave me the basic's of what I needed to build this firehouse, he was going to "keep in touch" by email to see my progress no matter how much or how little was done. Joe told me even if you only cut a wall, a hole for 1 window, or go to town and complete a entire section. Joe told me to keep track of everything I did by pictures and a notepad, and submit it to OST when the firehouse was finished and I would be able to see my work in the magazine and for other first timer's to prove you can build anything.


I send my condolence's to Jaini and the rest of the OST staff.

So much has been said. There is a hole in our O scale universe today that didn't exist a week ago. I never met Joe, but his passion for O scale/gauge was an inspiration to me and I'm sure to most of us. He fiercely promoted the hobby more than anyone I've ever know and in the process created one of the finest O magazines. My condolences to his family and I hope they are able to keep the magazine alive in his absence as a tribute to a man who loved O scale.



I had the distinct good fortune at the 2012 O Scale National Convention to share a table at the banquet with Joe and Jeannie and other friends of theirs whose names would be recognized by OST readers.  No inside track here on my part.  Just a guy who got lucky and found a seat at their table.  But, they drew me right in and it was a warm, positive, full of fun, laid back experience that I will never forget.  That's the "Right Stuff."

I had some dealings with Joe a few years back when I wrote an article for OST. Joe was very supportive of my writing/photography attempts. He seemed to be a very straightforward guy with a real love of model trains, regardless of scale or gauge and it's no wonder he had so many friends on this forum and in the industry. My sincere condolences to his family. 



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