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I have a K-Line  C & O K3715-1601S Allegheny engine. Does anyone out there have the owners manual for this engine?  I think it is TMCC Equiped. Though I am not sure.  Bought it from a friend and the manual was gone. I love the engine and in conventional mode it sounds great and smokes like a champ. When I got it home I cleaned it up and lubed it correctly. There was a manual for a generic  K-Line "steam engine" placed on the forum in PDF format.  Is that pretty standard fair for K-Line?

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I had that engine before I gave it away after I went scale.  Kline produced generic steam and diesel manuals. The Allegheny was TMCC.  I got a cruise control kit from them for that and my Hudson; however, I did not install the kits.  The 4 Kline scale engines I kept (Rdg Tank, NYC Hudson, B&O Light Pacific, and RDG AA F3s) I had converted to Proto 2. 

I have the K-Line Allegheny and Big Boy.  The manuals between the two is identical.  It was just a generic TMCC steam locomotive manual.  So if you found one of the forum (It might even be one I posted.), it's the same as what came with the locomotive.  If you really need, I can dig out the box and take photos.

My locomotive on the other hand is in a million parts.  I took it all apart with the intent to add ERR cruise, LED lighting, John's super smoker, and such.  Never got there...

"I also have scale Lionel S2 with legacy. No chuff chuff just steam turbine sounds. It sounds weird but it is an awesome engine. It is over 28" long"

Well - it's a steam turbine, which is why it sounds like a...turbine. No chuff is possible, as there are no cylinders and pistons. The sounds are not "weird". This loco (the real one) is easy to look up on the InterWeb, y'know.


The K-line Allegheny came as a conventional and as a command (TMCC) locomotive, as I recall. I have TMCC version, with cruise. Nice "little" (they are 1:58, not 1:48, scale) engines.

If there is no RUN/PGM switch, it's Conventional.

Thanks for all the help. I  printed the PDF file. That worked perfectly for this engine. Can't really make out the talk/radio chatter. No big deal. It runs on the TMCC part of the Legacy.  It is an awesome addition to my steam engines. I have a few scale (MTH  Premier and Lionel Legacy) engines in my collection.

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