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Here are the different GN ones, according to the K line legacy site


1.  K-2733-5017CV   conventional

2.  K-2733-5018HC      "            , horn, cruise

3.  K-2733-5019CC   comm w RS, EC cruise


I have a #377 New Haven for sale on the forum and it would need to be upgraded to TMCC.  They are large engines but run on 0-31!!  Good luck in your search.

Last edited by pennsydave

I have the New Haven version equipped with TMCC. The TMCC electronics were Lionel items - K-Line just had a license to use them in their engines. Because they're Lionel TMCC, they'll run fine with Legacy, just like Lionel TMCC engines. In fact, as with most TMCC engines, they run better with Legacy than they do with the older Cab 1 TMCC setup.

Any TMCC locomotive should work fine with the Legacy system.  I've had Legacy for years, and I've never run across any locomotive or operating accessory I can't use it with.


The old PowerMaster is the only totally incompatible device and it's handled with the Legacy PowerMaster Bridge if you desire.  The other issue with Legacy is the serial port doesn't have the same drive capability as the old BASE1, so if you have multiple devices on the serial data line, that can be a problem without a buffer.

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