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So, I finally got around to finishing the installation of Kadees on my Lionel F3s. Thanks to forum member Marker and his photo of the prototype I made some spacers for the pilot ends to simulate the recessed coupler box. I may remove it and add rivet detail in the future.



Now I want to add Kadees to my set of Lionel 18" Santa Fe cars. The cars like the engines couple very far apart and I want to bring them close together. Like the engines I hope to talgo mount them so I run smaller radiuses. I suspect not many here have taken that approach but even if you have body mounted them I was wondering how you have removed the coupler bar from the truck? I try to make any mods I do to my trains reversible so I will either remove the complete coupler assembly from the truck or just the coupler head and mechanism and mount the kadee to the bar. The latter idea may not allow close enough coupling without irreversible modification to the bar so I will make new bars to mount to the trucks if I have to. Here is an example of the stock Lionel truck. Any suggestions welcome.






Images (2)
  • SF_19_Kadee
  • Pass_Truck
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For what it's worth, I have body mounted Kadee #805 couplers on MTH 18"/19" passenger cars and they work very well on 072 or larger curves. Although I can not tell from your photo exactly how the lobster claw is mounted to the truck assembly, in the past I have found Lionel freight trucks VERY difficult to eliminate the claw without a Dremel cut-off disc. But then, I have never been concerned with what I destroy in order to up-grade to Kadee couplers.

After looking at mine, its either cut or drill. The drilling would require taking them apart just to get to the rivet in order to drill it out. Do you have curves that are smaller than 072? If not, the easiest way is to body mount the Kadees, and modify the box and shank to allow maximum swing. 

I run my 85-ft GGD cars on O-72.

I mount the K-D couplers on swing arms as per John Armstrong and others. I use 5x2/16-in K&S rectangular tubing to insert the K-D shank; it's a loose fit so a thin shim is needed, about 5mils or so. Secure with a drop of ACC. The length of the swing arm and corresponding pivot hole will be determined depending on how close you want car diaphragms to be on your smallest curve-on mine there is a little less than 1/16-in separation. I need this because there are a couple transitions on the AGHR layout where having the diaphragms touch will result in diaphragm edges locking and yanking the cars off the rails.

My setup doesn't provide for coupler self-centering, something I don't need for passenger train running. If you want to switch passenger cars you'll need to adapt some swing arm springing. Get Armstrong's layout video (Green Frog productions) to see how he did it.

Unless you're going to preserve the Lionel cars for later resale follow Hot Water's advise and cut off the Lionel coupler arms.

I removed the entire coupler and left only the angled metal arm. I don't recall if I shortened it or not. I don't have diaphragms yet. I mounted the couplers so that the inside ends of the cars nearly touch on an 072 curve.  Since I'm freezing the couplers in their "pockets" I don't need to account for the typical play in kadees.  I'll try to post some pictures in the next week or so.

Terry thanks. I went ahead and disassembled one truck. Unlike the F-3, no locktite was used (what's up with that?) so the screws came out easily. I peened over the mounting rivet and punched it out (no cutoff wheel needed ) then drilled out the two rivets holding the coupler to the arm.






Using a medium shank, center mount Kadee I screwed it right to the truck and adjusted the height with nuts and washers. I may try a short shank coupler to get even closer coupling. I was also able to modify a coupler box to fit in the arm and use a Kadee centering spring if needed. Right now appearance leaves a lot to be desired so I have to decide if I want to modify the stock coupler arm or make my own. With 18 cars to do I'll have to work out a way to mass produce these. In the meantime I have a transition car that will allow me pull the cars with this engine.






The gray plastic is just temporary to hold the coupler in position.




The coupler could move back another 1/32" or so to get the opening centered under the diaphram edge. I could do that by milling the medium length coupler or using short shank models.






Images (4)
  • SF_Truck_Parts
  • Kadee_Gauge
  • kadee_Under
  • Kadee_F3_Car
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